The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Angry Bbc Two GIF by BBC




All Stars thread.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Pandemics come and go but you can’t bate hurling to get lads on here properly riled up and willing to fight each other.


Outstanding stuff in fairness.

Would bring a smile to your face.


I hope power cuts don’t impact fellas ability to post.


Maybe the power cuts delayed the electroconvulsive therapy @Malarkey was due to receive

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Wow, it would never cross my mind to read about amateur sports but @Malarkey is very aggressive about someone saying a shinty goal stopper isn’t a great


If you disagree with him he’ll call you a nonce

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I see 150 unread post on the All Stars thread. And the seethe about Limerick being awarded ten later this week hasn’t even kicked in yet.


The seethe coming from the Limerick crowd as they believe they should have got all 15 all-stars.

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It’s gives me a warm glow when I see this thread bumped.


11 at an absolute max. Kilkenny as leinster champions will get at least one. Galway as joint t league champions will probably get another
Cork for getting to final will get one if not two
Waterford probably in line for one so ten or max eleven is where it’s at

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you dolt

Nobody deserves an all-star from Galway, though Conor Whelan had a really good year I thought.
Honestly, I’d go with 14 Limerick and Tony Kelly because he’s the best player in the country.

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Totally agree.

Sutcliffe, Kingston, Stephen Bennett & Eoin Cody had very good seasons as Forwards imo.

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Fuck, I’d forgotten about kelly

Pretty good. I think Cody is good, but not great. It’s hard as the Limerick forwards were, like the kk of yore, playing in front of an utterly dominant half back line, so they look excellent, but they were excellent, and picking anyone outside Tony Kelly this year is a sop. Quaid was as good as anyone, the odd slip aside. Someone goaled in the championship where he may have done better is all I can remember.