The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Someone was on the :tumbler_glass: last night…

Drunk Bill Murray GIF


Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan have ripped the forum apart.

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You’re either with us/humanity/greater good/rogan or your against us.

All joking aside you should never underestimate tfk. Just when you think it’s fucked some eejit (@Rocko in this case) fires a crate of petrol bombs into the mix

cc @gilgamboa

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IMHO you’ve discovered the art of living when you’re too busy to worry about it. Assuming you’re busy with family, looking after cattle for the oul lad, flinging arrows and making a few pound.
Should I give it a listen?

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Looks like a good podder cc @Bandage

Does he get into Thai mythology and the reason for being @Thomas_Brady don’t pitch this at @padjo level man

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It’s a book.

hand drawn fail GIF

Covid was only a proxy war for the recreationally outraged on TFK.


Can you imagine what it will be like when Trump wins the next American election by a landslide?

The ‘’people who are shitting themselves” thread has 250 posts since this morning :thinking:

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And not one person has shat themselves


giphy (32)

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Who knows

We’re back baby ….

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A few years of Brexit then Trump plus 2 years screaming about Covid and now Ukraine has driven some lads demented.


Somehow the hurling will get people more riled up than any of those major geopolitical events.


Lads need to cut their teeth on the other threads first
