The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

It wouldn’t worry me if I never saw another hurling match in my life.


You’d often wonder about some lads grip on reality here.


:blush::blush::clap:always brings out very strange emotions in Limerick folk especially after a Cork complete thrashing :muscle::muscle:

Fucking Cork, bringing about the end of the world.

That’s a savage gif
Reminds me of my attitude here at times :roll_eyes::blush:

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This place is like Christmas day sometimes. Youre just waiting for it all to kick off shortly after the turkey sandwiches for the tae.

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It kicks off out of the blue

Guys waiting for revenge
Say I’m going to get it in the neck after slagging off Limerick after Sunday’s match
But I’ll take it on the chin

Always another day in the😊 sun

This sums it up



It’s a dinger of a night in the old place. Blows will be heaved and few landed before the veil comes down.

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Pity it’s a weeknight. A few glasses of whiskey would do wonders

You underestimate the drinking habits of lads on here.


Masks will be mandatory again before the night is over

I’d say one or two chaps have enough in them as it is


300 hunderd unread posts on the war thread. I must dig in and see byt i thiught we were a unkted pro Ukraine anti Russian fascists forum. With reading im still pro cheasty

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[quote="Heyyoubehindthebushes, post:1741, topic:30520, With reading im still pro cheasty

Hes lost the plot. Labane sent him over the cliff.

It was a good thread until the ex pro Putin lads came in with their deflection


Oh look, another grandstanding hypocrite.

Looks like tberecould be a bit of collateral damage here tonight. Few lads could get struck dkwn by “friendly fire” @anon67715551 needs to wade in here pronto

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