The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

What thread?

It’s getting a bit tetchy on the amber Heard thread.
In the courts one.

There is an Amber Heard thread?

Brexit thread starting to warm up with the kremlin apologists doing battle with the brexit bootlickers

A bit like Charlie Haughey going head to head with Liam Lawlor.

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scargill vs thatcher



Fantastic cut and thrust to the place tonight


Thunder storms approaching

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I just hope that i played no part in current runctions

A two week break in Hurling and lads lose the run of themselves.


I was going to intercede there and mention the impracticality of “impregnating an…”, but i don’t even feel comfortable saying it. Plus I’d hate to start a row

We could be in for a long night

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Queues out the door again?

A long night

Nah. They will all go extremely quiet now. They have been humiliated and outsmarted in nth degree – not to speak of how certain lads, in basic terms, danced in the hypocrite dress like frontier whores in a Wild West Tavern.

Certain lads are also, legally, on the thinnest of ice. One individual was invited several times to resile from a public allegation of paedophilia. I am in the process of finding out who he is, which will be fairly easy. Refusing such an invitation, a highly aggravating matter in legal terms, is an acutely serious issue – as Katie Hopkins found out with Jack Monroe.

Winter begins July 18th. Its gonna be a long one

Funny how when something kicks off on one particular topic, other threads get infected as well. Its like a virus of sorts.

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I don’t want to know mate

Lads drinking Roe & Co lecturing us about Roe V Wade.