The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

What happened to Esteban?

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I don’t think so. I got one from @AppleCrumbled a couple of weeks ago :smile:

That makes no sense, I believe there’s good and bad in all society, is that a generalisation? You got a couple of likes on it anyway, must have made your day

How does one get ones account deleted?

This is all that’s left on twitter. I can only imagine what sort of fuckacting was going on.

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Am I wrong to think all the fuck acting was Esteban ? Or am I missing something ?

I very much doubt it. I’d say he’s sick of the bullshit and has left. Things have gotten very weird and nasty lately. The reason I’m asking about how to delete profiles is I am considering doing it myself.

I don’t think you can delete a profile…

What the fuck. :rofl:


It’s a 3-step process.

  1. Post some nasty shit about a public figure in the COTY thread
  2. Take screenshots and post it to twitter, making sure to tag the injured party
  3. Pick one of your TFK aliases and screenshot the tweets, posting it back on TFK

@wanderlust is suspended as well.


@Mac is neglecting his duties

Quietest couple of prime time hours on TFK in my memory

Yeah it is actually and means absolutely nothing.

are you really bemoaning his loss. It’s the middle of the day, the weather is grand therefore its quiet. Who knows whats going on in lads lives, but coming here should be a release, stupid jokes, arguments about sport and whatever, why should it have to be a penance where you have to watch multiple threads going down the drain due to the ramblings an unhinged poster, certainly made no better by being here.


People posting up videos of Traveller violence is not racism. One or two posts over the years saying they should all be burned are, but you label any discussion on them as racist. There are loads of travellers that are fine decent people, but within their community there’s a higher than average number of scum as we can see from numbers in gaol and convictions. Untill that’s addressed their future generations have no hope. It starts with kids staying in school and girls not getting married at 14 and having kids. If any of us in the settled community did either we’d be up in court not to mention the treatment of animals, sulky racing and violence. Being part of society means that you have responsibilities to obey the law. Large percentages of travellers only take from society and have plenty of usefully idiots like you cheerleading for them no matter what they do.

None of the above is racist, it’s fact.


Estaban being hysterical and emotional again.

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I agree with nearly all of that, I only ever object to the racist stuff, can you point out where I’ve objected to anything else, the call out stuff is only a load of nonsense, if lads get their kicks watching that good luck to them.
Just show me where I screamed racism unnecessarily

You’re constantly saying there’s racism against travellers here and yet I’ve only seen two instances of it, as defined above.