The Business Ideas thread

I didn’t want to be the one to have to point it out but he’s made it fairly obvious by the way he’s posting here

It all depends on how many weddings and dinner dances I have in the year as well though

Any link for those jumpers? I might get a Quel Esprit one.

They fell off the lorry

[quote=“The Runt, post: 663558”]

They fell off the lorry[/quote]


I have come up with an idea that could well make me an absolute fortune in Ireland. If I was to get it off the ground there would be be one in nearly very pub and night club in every country town across the 32 counties

Is it a panic alarm for when a bird asks you to do coke off her tits?

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Why would it not be a success in urban areas?

Is it a vending machine that gives out lasagne with buttery spuds?

Urban folk would not be interested in a sheep booth.

Close, I plan to prototype a machine similar to them punching bag machines you see in bars and nightclubs but instead of hitting with your fist you hit it a shoulder instead. This will be a hige success, maybe some urban areas might also be interested, places like Copperfacejacks et al

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 663566”]

Close, I plan to prototype a machine similar to them punching bag machines you see in bars and nightclubs but instead of hitting with your fist you hit it a shoulder instead. This will be a hige success, maybe some urban areas might also be interested, places like Copperfacejacks et al[/quote]

Outstanding idea. Get on it.

What name are you going to give this Shouldering Machine?

I can it see being a big success in the likes of Cassidys in Carron or Bradleys in Labane alright.

I will keep it simple for simple people - The Shouldering Machine :clap:

I like it.

I know a few fellas who would pay a fiver in the hope of putting this yoke through the wall.

You might want to put some reinforced concrete backing as a prerequisite to the product installation.

Can I buy a share of this idea. I want to get in on the ground floor.

I have some suggestions on how to entice people to use it like having the machine shout hup, hup. Soft fucker etc. at patrons. This would drive the culchies mental.

I think you are denegrating the noble art of shouldering.

The most effective shoulder is as much about timing and technique as it is about power.

Yes the main sticking point might be the insurance aspect - also unlike the boxing machine where you hit the machine straight on the shouldering one may have to be done at the side from a health and safety aspect

Hows you timing and technique after 10 cans of Bulmers and a scatter of Red Bull and Vodka Runt?