The Business Ideas thread

Did horsebox take the soup? He was always a dodgy one, ever since he was the only poster to have a Facebook account

Working off the idea of the wooden jigsaw of the counties of Ireland. 28 counties and Northern Ireland.
You get each county and NI x 5 with the different COVID-19 levels, text and colours with the colours going from green for Level 1 to orange for Level 3 and then onto red for Level 5.
It’s a geography lesson, history, religion and up to date sociological. You and your kids could update the puzzle as you hunker down for the winter.

Which two have you reclaimed for the Republic?

I’d have had it going the other way where @locke was concerned. This is a surprise

Couldn’t get rid of the Catholic bastards in Derry and Down fast enough

We’ll have a numeracy lesson before we get down to the manufacturing module.


Fermanagh for sure. Not sure which other one… Antrim?

A one-man tango machine.

A spray tan booth sort of thing?

All joking aside you can forget about business coaches and self help gurus for the obligatory staff development/team building days. The money will be in diversity training. Businesses will be falling over themselves to flash badges showing how right on they are, and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes compulsory.


Unconscious bias training is where it’s at.

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Re-education camp lite.

A portable cold storage unit that could keep something like a vaccine at a temp of -97c

I’m willing to give up 10% of the business for 500k in seed money.


Matching Xmas pajamas for couples. They will say I said yes or we got engaged 25.12.2021 or some bs like that.

Will be minted based on my current market research

Focus on the his and his market for maximum returns

I’ll keep the sets mix and match able. We will cater to all peoples

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A trend I’ve seen is couples wearing matching pyjamas to watch the Late Late Toy Show, then posting that on social media. Maybe you could sell Tubridy themed pyjamas.

It doesn’t look like schools will be open in advance of St.Brigid’s Day and the customary crosses that go with the feast-day. I’m left with fields of high quality bull-rushes winking in at me. Is there any state assistance that I might be entitled to in a situation like this?


Come on man. Think.

All these parents looking for something, anything to do with their kids.

A one page sheet of instructions, a handful of reeds, and a door to door @anon67715551 selling them for a €5 a pop, with a donation* from each sale going to the local church

*Donation not proceeds


Very good idea