The Business Ideas thread

You need to upgrade the Berlingo

It’s good but there’s capacity for improvement. Christmas trees will be practically impossible to procure so I’d be for adding a trailer to the Berlingo stacked with trees. It so happens I can assist with these trees from a neighbouring planting (he’s German, never come here again). All we need is a elf type sitting atop the trees collecting €50 a pop.

could you not call it the fractured shcull murder tour?


I think we all know the very man.


Okay I’m tweaking this idea. Instead of an ice-cream van, you have a coffee van. You retain the music of ice-cream vans and you drive from housing estate to housing estate, parking up near open green areas. Then instead of children hearing the music and running out to get ice-cream, you get excel jockeys that are WFH running out to get coffee and a pastry.

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Gas heaters. Lots of gas heaters.

waddling out

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I wonder what the definition of outdoors is. Is it the same as a smoking area :thinking:


Be a lot of lads drinking in porches this week so

Anyone selling takeaway pints along the canal in Dublin?

I would assume that you would have to be able to access and exit the outdoor area without going inside the premises. Or at least have two entry/exit ways

Not necessarily

A list of coronavirus millionaires would be interesting

Go on…

You’ll need some device/app that alerts their mobile phone that you’re in the area, otherwise they won’t hear the music because they’re, working in the attic, working in the garden shed, garage with no windows and of course they have their WiFi headphones on.

So unless you get that geo-app it’s not a runner.


The premises can be accessed but with no seating inside.

I swear to God above in the sky (cc Danny Healy-Rae) that I didn’t plagiarise this idea. The tweet was yesterday but I just saw it on my timeline, that annoying way you see tweets people you follow liked yesterday.



On Friday mornings I pop down to the Town Square to get a coffee from a lad who operates out of a converted horse box. The coffee is decent. They also so some kinda donut things that get rave reviews.

It needs to be a converted car, so you can call it Carista Coffee