The Business Ideas thread

Helium balloons in the shape of crosses for religious folks and communions. Youd get a tiktok craze out of kids nipping a shot of the helium then saying the Àr nAthair


Testing the cleanliness of the air. Some sort of certification that could be framed, mounted on walls etc. I’d say the paranoid fellas that love vaccines, passports. masks, social credit systems etc would find such certificates enormously reassuring. and demand that air be certified everywhere they go


That’s coming. New building standards requiring carbon dioxide monitors better ventilation. Expect property prices to increase further.

A lovely ISO standard. Have it right for the week of the audit

I had one today. Renting kitchen equipment to people who don’t have the space to store them. Kitchen Aid mixers, Le Creuset pots. Drop them off to let someone cook a signature meal. Pick them up the next morning.


Just stop by with the enamel pot and the enamel mixer. Take the photo. Insta the pure shit out of it and be on your way! Peasant

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Lads like Mike and TheBlackSpot need their air segregated into blocks of purificationed safety

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I haven’t checked but it’s a shame conair and aircon domain names will both have been taken

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Herself was looking at the electric mixers a few months back. €500 for the cheapest. Madness

I smell a nice little market for giving out the EU standards of these in costal Spanish mun in the sun places. Whatever makes people more comfortable. Im happy we have the standard that we all agree on

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If it makes people feel a little safer you can’t really put a price on it…but I can…and I will

I see no bears. The bear patrol paid for by the bear tax must be working

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The debate over whether a fella is being bullied online led me to think there’s a great opportunity to monetise TFK better @Rocko @Bandage.
Basically, providing a crash course in how to internet for teenagers. We get sponsorship from The dept of education and allow a certain amount of teenagers on per term. Once on tfk they learn to partake in banter and abuse and distinguish between both. They’ll learn how to spot bad-uns, hone their sardonic comedic skills and to spot/avoid being racists. Basically the internet school of hard knocks.
We could have tutorials in
righteousness - @glasagusban
Comedy Punning @Cheasty / @artfoley
Digging your fucking heels in @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy
Attack Jazz and other rare forms of music @Fagan_ODowd
Turning a shit story into a likefest @Bandage
Investing @BruidheanChaorthainn
People skills @mikehunt
Inventing Enemies and cultivating them @Funtime
Science @Tierneevin1979
Sourcing pictures of women online @myboyblue

We might have to make it a sub-forum just in case actually…


I could run tutorials on how to book Ryanair flights efficiently. It may put Ryanair out of business, but if it does, it does…


Don’t forget swimming lessons

Who would we put on that?

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I’d run a 1 hour zoom class on dealing with the Romanian mafia.


@Ambrose_McNulty , @glenshane & @KinvarasPassion on Ag Science
@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on Environmental Science
@Chucks_Nwoko on Beach Coffees


@anon67715551 on the art of storytelling

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@Tank for his Twitter exploits
cc @Copper_pipe

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