The Business Ideas thread

Personal hygiene @totti

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Celeb spotting @flattythehurdler

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Mrs ccha suggests a service for replaying online funerals for those who work during the day… seems to have missed this one

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My local church live streams mass and funerals. I understand they record funerals upon request.

I’m out, but I wish her well.

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It’s called YouTube.
You can record Zooms also.
Might be more appropriate for funerals.

A highlights programme would be good.

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With post mass analysis from the studio.


Apres Mass


Just look at the chalice work


They do. Or they certainly did.

TfkRunGuru -Specialised training plans for people who want to run better/faster etc. I’m sure there are loads of these already but i think this has a unique selling point. Anonymity, Mastery and Mystery. Basically @Rocko, @TreatyStones and @croppy_boy get @bandages story all over the Internet and in runners mags etc. The ensuing flood of queries are met by @fenwaypark and @Thomas_Brady for running advice and holistic mumbo jumbo. Possibly even motivational phone calls with electronic voice disguise. Always holding runners to account. Miles are run/ times fall, people better themselves and feel fulfilled etc. We build the brand like the Stig. When we have enough done, Fenners can step back and we can regurgitate his training plans while he has a deserved break.
Possible offshoots
MountainGoatsTfk app with @caulifloweredneanderthal giving advice on how to get lost up hills and washing sheepshit out of your clothes.
TfkDownhill- @Mac gives advice on how to game/cheat Strava


fashion - Running/ sports clothing. Water containers.

Running diet - loads of mumbo jumbo on gut health and running nutrients.

Sleep health - chocolatemice will monitor sleep patterns, introduce sleep techniques for better running and recovery. He will also read you a bed time story (@Watchyourtoes )


please sign up to this
@ourhappyhikers Our Happy Hikers Instagram profile, stories, followers and tagged posts (

I’m doing what now?

I’ve alluded to this before, but my life partner is friends with a few runners (sub 3 hour marathon types) and I’ve gotten to know them and their other halves (often runners too, sub 2.5 hour marathon types). On a few different occasions recently, different people asked me in social/Parkrun/playground settings…you’re making great progress with the running, how have you gone about it? I find it amusing to see their reaction when I respond something along the lines of…a lad on the INTERNET who I’ve never met messages me every Saturday or Sunday and gives me a programme for the week ahead. I would certainly provide a testimonial for TfkRunGuru.


I would love to see that interaction!

It’ll be a bit more than a testimonial from you. You’ll be on Ray D’Arcy. And possibly the Tommy Tiernan show. 2 cagey fellas trying to out not-say-anything each other. There’ll be Facebook and mumsnet features with before and after pics and a list of your top 5 afternoon teas etc. And some sort of homecoming event in Wexford of course. Maybe you and Lee Chin and a few hundred others doing a sponsored 5k on Curracloe beach?


Hard work and improved diet, no big secret, obviously clever training is helping as well but there’s no rocket science at play.
In your case it’s obvious that your weight has been a huge factor, and you’ve discovered that you’re a quick enough little fucker as well, with a Diesel engine.

Eh! This is @Bandage we’re eulogising here. “Little fucker”:joy::face_with_monocle:

Is he a big man?? I don’t know what you’re getting at :man_shrugging:

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Publicity. You’ll get him all over the Internet. And you’ll have alsorts of Wexford commonalities. You know him better than his own jocks after a run.