The Business Ideas thread

They used to be exempt from wearing them on sites or motorbikes in the UK anyway.I used to work with a lad in NY from Trinidad called Rasta Pat,he had to put his hair up like Marge Simpson to get his hard hat on with a big long chin strap.He looke ridiculous :grinning:

Slight care needed as once you crack the barrel you need to pay duty. Most charge you for storage as well.

Green and white t shirts with ‘I’d let Kyle kick my wife in the head’ written on them. (Also son/dad/mum/girlfriend/husband).
Maybe @Kyle could take a jaunt back to the market for old times sake and sell a hatfull of these.

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We don’t need any ideas from feral jackeens.

Ye certainly don’t.


Imagine just how nasty we could be if we teamed up?

No. 7 abs.

Kyle Hayes kick boxing fitness video


With your brawn and our brains. Or our brawn and your brains. Hmm, need to think about this a bit more.

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A phone charger that can be programmed (or whatever) to charge your phone only but not charge anybody else’s.

I’d buy one of them…

Ah here. Share the love you environment hating meany.

that’s as stingy a thing as I’ve heard with a while…

I’m more environmentally conscious than most.

You should look at it this way. Perhaps if they had to buy their own replacement charger after breaking it or leaving it somewhere else, then they might look after it better. Instead of just taking mine.

I bought a non-USB one the last time thinking that would help. Did it F*ck!

Easy come, easy go…

Young lad doing gas phone covers if interested

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Throw the link specific to Limerick up on that Limerick supporters Facebook group and he’ll sell a few guaranteed.

Tell him to find other county ones and do the same. He’ll make a few quid.

Get him to send a free one to Buff and he might give him a bit of exposure

Is that your own young lad?

I’m not overly confident with the phone select options unfortunately. There should be a pull-down select option for the phone make and model. I just typed in iPhone and Samsung and it accepted it. God knows what would arrive in the post.

No. I’ve been blessed with two daughters and am a tad old to go again. It came up on a gaa chat that I’m on in facebook and when I heard it was a young lad, I thought I’d send it on. I’ll give him a twist when I get back from holiday

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I quite like those covers

Let us know how you get on.

I know the make of my phone but I’d say like most people I haven’t a clue of the model.

And has he an endless supply of every phone make and model number?


Here’s a great yarn with a lad who left his job and made a clane fortune out of his childhood hobby.