The Business Ideas thread

You fairly beat that joke into submission mate

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Correct. I saw the opener and through in the rest without seeing it play out underneath. My bad, but shur no-ones perfect. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Just looking out for the lads. Those goofy bastards are about the best thing I’ve got going.

We got this one kid…Mongo

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Crowdfunding a distillery startup. Renovations 200k. Stills 80k. Pp and licensing 50k. Marketing and branding 100k. Raw materials and staffing 300k
@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy i need a hard-headed business man, someone with a bit of nous, worldly experience and a solid work ethic…do you know anyone?

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Cc @Mac

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I need a dram in a can vending machine man. You in?


Vodka or Whisky?

My extensive research suggests both…vodka so as to have something to sell while the whiskey is festering in barrels

You’re 10 years too late

I think there’s still a gap in the market for a small boutique distillery offering high end pod accommodation, panoramic views of the sperrins, beekeeping experiences, gather your own eggs and draw your own water from the best well in the parish… led by a debonair and worldly figurehead.
I just need to come up with a USP

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A good idea, whisky for the long term profit and make gin/vodka to keep the lights on. Maybe offer an experience in how to work in a distillery like some vineyards do, where you pay to give your labour.

The distillerys now sell Barrells of Whiskey before they mature as a money raising venture. You hold it for them basically and they can do what they want with it in the 5 years when it matures

…would that require some class of bonded warehouse classification?

I would imagine so. Or maybe you pay someone else to store them for you

My buddy in Corporate Finance tells me Irish alcohol brand investments are very much last year. They wont pitch them to investors anymore.

Diageo, Heineken and Coors put a quick end to craft beer explosion by launching their own brands or acquiring others.

McGregor has fucked up a lot of the export market opportunities for Whiskey as he’s giving his stuff away for half nothing. Teelings the only ones to compete. All the Irish boutique brands will struggle to get enough turnover to survive

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Hard turbans…


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Hard Turbans

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