The Cancer Thread

God bless your missus @Batigol, the hardest station and cross to bear

Thats very tough @Batigol but she did all she could. Maybe the mother waited for her to be gone to go to spare her that. A last act of love. Perhaps she could find some solace in that.

May she rest in peace.

Didn’t know whether to post this, but today was the funeral of a little girl in the locality. She was 6 years of age with the most beautiful smile and with courage and strength better than most. It really shook me to the core seeing all her cousins handprints on the outside of the little white coffin. Cancer is a bastard of a thing.


Christ almighty, that’s shocking. Look after yourself.

Christ. So fucking wrong.

Look after yourself.


Luke O’Neill sounding very positive on radio now that RNA vaccine technology could be a game changer in the not so distant future


Vaccines vaccines vaccines

Lukie has had his time in the spotlight. He could do with fucking off for himself now.


You’d go a long long way to find a more personable interviewee on the topics Luke is contacted about, you’ll be disappointed if you think he’s going anywhere.
Anyway I didn’t mean to give anybody ire, thought it was interesting what he had to say

A consultant I know reckoned it would lead to vaccines against genetic illnesses. Said they had accelerated 10 years of research into two because of Covid in terms of data and human trials.

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What will the RNA vaccine do for cancer was he saying?

This sort of explains it


He’s got a book to plug, so we will see a bit more of Luke between now and Christmas

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Tongue Goat GIF

I might as well be a goat looking in to a field of thorns


I wouldn’t try to repeat what he said because I didn’t fully understand it and I’d probably make an error.
But he said that the research into Covid vaccines had made sone remarkable breakthroughs which are likely to be useful in cancer research,

Have a listen back, maybe somebody can explain better than me,
But he was very upbeat


great stuff. Good to have a bit of positivity around the place

They’ll stop people dying from cancer by giving them heart attacks instead.


Me too. It was said to me during Covid that the real money here was genetic and cancer vaccines and that Covid allowed them to fast forward human trials that these types of vaccines are safe.

Rachel Dratch Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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