The Cancer Thread

Ah thats just horrendous. Doesn’t bear thinking about. Like some lads said, upsetting as it is, she will get great comfort in future from having done everything for her for the last few months. Just no knowing when life will hit you a slap. Itll be a fucking tough week but then try to take her away to a spa or hotel or something for a few days to take stock and chill.


Whilst being away at the time of passing will sting, she will know deep down that she did all. Not enough, all. People often remember what you say but they always remember how you made them feel. In time that feeling that she did all, and could do no more, will carry her.

Hard times @Batigol, my condolences.


Very sorry to read that @Batigol.

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Ah there are no words for that. Very very sorry to hear. RIP.

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Terrible for your missus @Batigol but she went above and beyond. Its amazing how these things happen and maybe her mam picked her moment when she thought it would be less painful for your gf. May she RIP


My man, that’s very fucking tough. She’s a good woman.

Mind her


Sorry to hear that @Batigol

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Your wife can look herself in the eye, and know she could have done no more. That is more than almost anyone can do. I hope she gets some comfort from that. :green_heart:


That’s awfully sad @Batigol. As others have said it sounds like she couldn’t have done more and hopefully in time that will be some comfort to her.

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No words @Batigol , sincere condolences to you and partner. May your partner’s Mum rest in peace

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My deepest sympathy @Batigol. May she rest in peace.

Look after the Mrs. She’ll need it most when the funeral is over.


Very sorry to read that Batigol.

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sorry to hear that @Batigol

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Sorry to hear that @Batigol she sounds like a great person look after her.

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Hard going kid-

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Thats rough as fuck bati. Sympathies to you and the missus.

Look after the missus

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Thanks very much lads


Head up kid. Always :heart:

Sorry to hear that batigol. Condolences to you all. Take care of your missus, she sounds a good sort.

I am really sorry to learn that @Batigol. Life can be cruel. I hope you can mind yourselves over the days and weeks ahead. Take care.