The Cancer Thread

Life can be vv unfair to some

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Vicky Phelan has past away. God be as good to her as she was to us




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If Vicky’s initial smear had been correctly diagnosed, were her chances of survival increased?

Or was it a case that it wouldn’t have mattered but the fact that she wasn’t told about the error in diagnosis was the issue?

It seems that the poor women affected by this fall into each of these tow categories. Lyndsey Bennett for instance could have survived.

RIP a woman who leaves a huge legacy. May God be good to her and her family

Bravery personified. She made a difference. A great woman. RIP.


The dignified way she carried herself since she came to prominence was hugely admirable. May she RIP

That’s what I remember of it anyhow.

It’s irrelevant anyway.

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Hard to credit that Vicky was nominated for COTY once on this very forum, and got two votes in the poll to boot.

She endured a tough road with great resilience and dignity. God rest her soul.


Was with him at the C Moore concert and had a few hours chatting over coffee up in the life centre last week with him
A man apart
Corks finest human


Not a terribly high bar one must remember.


Go on ya devil :imp:


Received some devastating news Monday evening the father has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which has metastasized to the liver, simply put a death sentence at only 60 as we know. He was losing weight steadily the last 5-6 months and he knew something was wrong and was adamant the weight loss was not because of his diabetes( not sure if there is a relation between the type of cancer and diabetes but i’m not going down the route of worsening things on Google with this, more than likely there is)

I don’t know about length of time i’m no doctor but this was a man who is 6"4 and was always strongly built up to 17-18 stone in his prime, he now weighs around 11 and is a shell of his former self, hunched forward in agony and finding more relief in Solpadine than the current strength of morphine prescribed.

The last thing any of us want is to see him suffer on through the months away while this eats him down to nothing, the selfish part of you wants him to fight through and get as much time as possible but what treatment offered if any is his decision to take.

I was lucky enough to get two weeks holidays from the 12th off which would have been spent enjoying the festivities and build up to Christmas in the new home, few nights out, late nights up watching the NFL tucking into a tin of Kimberly… now il be calling down to the house or into Nenagh hospital where he is currently to spend as much time with him as possible and realistically make best with what will probably be his last.

He was still working away until last Friday driving the taxi and doing blood runs for the hospitals but with the morphine now he can no longer work “My driving days are over now”’ that was a hit to the emotions like none ive ever felt when he said that.

Anyway I know everyone hates to see this thread bumped but at least it’s there to type things out from the mind, I think i’m in the stages of grief already and I can only describe the physical feeling when this is on the mind as an ache from the jaw and ears but that could be from preventing tears too.


Ah Jesus very sorry to hear that.

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Ah man, sorry to hear that. 60 is no age.

Tough road ahead but you seem well braced. Have the chats now and you’ll appreciate it forever.


Fuck sake. That’s terrible news. My heart goes out to ye all.


Best wishes to your Dad. There is no words of comfort. I’m very sorry you and your family are going through this. Life can be so cruel.

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Fuck. That is so shit. Im so sorry to hear that.

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