The Cancer Thread

God be good to him. Heā€™s goosed if that is the news.


The last thing you want to hear. He went hard tbf.


Heā€™s not dead yet, but the outlook is gloomy. Itā€™s been a long arduous battle for him all the same. Hopefully the Lord eases his pain as gently as possible.

I know Iā€™ve ranted about him at times but at the end of the day you donā€™t want to see or hear of anyone suffering over a lengthy period.


Same as that.

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Christy always seemed an alright sort. He had a fragility that was at odds with where he came from and the other Aslan members. I remember seeing him at Feile after heā€™d been kicked out of Aslan and was solo. He was on in the very early afternoon. Nobody was really paying attention but by the end of his set a good few had started to watch him. He had a presence.

This Is is as fine an Irish song as there is. Feel No Shame was a great debut album.

The professional Dub following that grew up around Aslan and that God awful Crazy World shouldnā€™t take away from their and Christyā€™s legacy.


Christy Dignam and SinĆ©ad Oā€™Connor are the two most gifted voices this country has ever produced.

Viva Christy.

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This is a great song.


These are great songs.

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Christy asked me for directions to the oyster tavern (or maybe the Mutton lane inn) once in Cork, we were by Roches Stores so I strolled up with him, it was in the Dignam and Goff era, Iā€™d say he was fairly stoned but was good company,
Fair play to him, a life well lived in general, This Is is one for the great Irish songs


To my shame I sent my da in to HMV (?) on Henry Street once to get an Aslan record signed by Aslan when Eamo Doyle had replaced Christy as the singer. It was a Saturday morning I was playing a GAA match.

He got it signed. Theyā€™ll be huge Da.

For years after he asked me why heā€™d heard no more of them.


Sorry for your loss @Locke

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And I hope you are doing ok @Achtungbaby

Christy has been knocking on deaths door for over 20 years now Iā€™d say, the poor man has suffered long enough.

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Heā€™ll be 3 in March, a lovely young fella and flying it, he has his Dadā€™s smile


All good mate, thanks


Christy was very much an alright sort. Aslan were a staple of DCU nightlife in the early 00ā€™s and weā€™d often end up in a mini lock-in in the bar there with himself and the other lads. Theyā€™d be completely off their face but very nice about it and loved a bit of craic and banter.


@Mac never afraid to make it about himself


Taking your green approach to the extreme by recycling others material I see :roll_eyes:

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Just heard this evening of a high level athlete in his teens riddled with this cunt of a thing. :cry:

FFS. Thatā€™s horrible.