The Cancer Thread

Adulting sucks, best of luck bro

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Sound lads…Benign, Thank fuck. mrs got results there a while ago. I was very positive but three weeks being bounced around to different people and waiting for the all clear would have you thinking the worst also. Private health insurance vital really…


A big relief👍

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Delighted for you

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Cancer has also touched someone close to me recently, still awaiting the test results but it looks like it is back to haunt.

Luckily enough I’ve had little to no experience of it but this is tough on all involved.


Best of luck.

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Good luck to all involved, hope you don’t need to worry about this but illness sometimes brings people together, some clouds have a silver lining

Glad that you got good news @anon61878697 :+1:


Went through the benign thing a few years back. Bit unsettling for a few weeks. Anyone without private healthcare needs their heads examined.


Christ lads some bad stories here . Best wishes to all .

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Good news and best wishes

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Shit. Hopefully the family trait of refusing to give a single inch is strong. Good luck.

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The Public health system is a disgrace really, will we end up any better than the states with the current progression of our two tier system?

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It’ll all be sorted in our socialist paradise.

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If we went public we would have been 12 weeks at least waiting —even at that, we had to push hard to get seen early with private-used the breast feeding mother angle —
what’s happening in this country is mental. Some one shows up with complaints, lets say cramping in stomach and feeling unwell, not eating much … So doc can only do regular checks and send the chap off to get scanned for stomach ---- No space for scan until 4 weeks time — man getting sicker — going by notes, radiographer can only scan what’s on notes and nothing shows up in stomach – tells the man he has to go back to GP ---- GP then has to start a guessing game and we start all over again — sent for another screening on liver — has to wait 5 weeks this time … nearly 3 months on

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Well aware fo the issues pal, people dying on waiting lists and all you see is politicans taking pot shots at each other on twitter, infuriating.

Will anyone deliver Slainte care? will it make a difference?

From my very basic understanding of it ---- it’s management in HSE that is the real problem ---- huge salaries and no health experience and no stomach to actually tackle the issues… they seem to be trying to push every thing back on GPs.

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aye, there seems to be a whole layer of middle men that can be ripped out

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What politician is going to grasp that particular nettle.

The main maternity hospitals are run/managed by a Master who is a doctor and expert in the area. Not sure it is comparable to a general hospital but sense seems to be they function better

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Yeah i’d completely agree there, albeit i have no experience of maternity hospitals but there does not appear to be the amount of fucks as in General Hospitals.

I have no idea who’ll take it. Stephen Donnelly, Harris, Louise o’Reilly

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If the Irish public want change the first thing that has to be done is blow up the civil service and replace it with an efficient modern model where people are held accountable. The biggest obstacle to that are unions who protect the incompetent.

Would Sinn Fein in government seriously tackle this issue?