The Cancer Thread

would they fuck!


And herein lies the clusterfuck of what was voted for last week. Promises x 3 by SF and when they get in they won’t have the clout to get a tap done. If FF and FG and PD’s and Lab couldn’t do it over the years then you can be sure as shit sure that some failed SF councillor will be able to


And it’s all SF’s fault is it? You’d be happy to trudge along with the same old same? — anyway - no one can fix health until they are willing to gut management in the HSE and it has to be backed by every party to do so…


Apparently Slaintecare would make big difference but the results wouldn’t be seen for at least 5 years and unfortunately nobody is going to be patient enough to wait that long…

Unions generally represent the grunt level of the civil service. Politicians won’t tackle the upper level of civil service because it’d be like turkeys voting for Christmas. The Celtic Tiger bust was the one opportunity to tackle it and they showed no interest. It will never be done now.


Mary fucking Harneys plan

I’d honestly say of all the parties they are the most likely to at least start the process

What do you mean by gut the management?

I suppose SF could organise their pals in the RA to go and shorten some of the waiting lists. Any prison officers or Gardai could be finished off first.

You mad man. You’re focusing your ire on the party that’s never had the chance to solve the problems caused by the incumbents for hypothetically failing, but you’re letting these proven failure incumbents off.


Agree they should be given a chance. Form a government and let SF have housing and health and let them at it.


Glad to hear all ok @anon61878697

The Mrs has had a few of those scares over the years. It puts the shits in you. I think I’d be able to deal with it better if it was happening to myself than to herself.

Hope your family member/friend is ok @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and as always, I’m thinking of my pal @iron_mike as he kicks the shit out of this cunting thing


Has anybody yet considered that taking 6,000 beds out of the health service was the real problem?

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An “efficient modern model” like the US, which pisses most of its heath spend down the drain in administration?

The most inefficient health system in the world?

The same health system model you laughably defend?

Capitalism, fuck yeah.

Only reading this now mate. Glad to hear it’s benign


What percentage of the civil service would you say is unionized? I agree the problem has to be tackled top down, but the issue is everyone in the organization is incentivized to maintain the status quo.

It’s the same in the US, massive overpaid admin infrastructure which is 100% unionized so will never be tackled. The people with the best and cheapest health plans by far are those working in health care administration.

“Unions are the problem” must be the biggest right wing cliche around.

The biggest current issue with health care in Ireland is the lack of front line staff, doctors, nurses, specialists, etc. There is no point adding more hospitals or hospital beds if there are no fucking doctors and nurses to take care of patients. Ireland is unable to attract enough talent from other countries and indeed not even able to retain the staff they train themselves. Will higher marginal taxation solve this?

The only way to attract said talent is to pay them at a competitive international rate as their skills are very transferable, and not burden them with excessive taxation. Yet you have absolute nutters like former poster Sidney who believe people earning over 80K are loaded and should be taxed higher.

Leftists are dumb as a bag of rocks.


Consultants will flock here to pay 60 per cent tax :man_shrugging:t2:


Grunt would obviously make up the majority of employees but the problems are at the top. Unions may actually help in that they resist change implemented by over paid useless idiots at the top.

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