The Cancer Thread

Great news. Enjoy the newtoddler

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Update on this. My wifeā€™s friend had the lumpectomy and was waiting to start radium but got a call to say on review of mammogram they found other shadows. Another lump now found in other breast and they want to do a CT scan.

Worrying times for all concerned. Puts a lot of the other stuff into perspective. Hopefully will work out for her.


Iā€™m very sorry to hear that chief. I hope it all works out for the best. Itā€™s a bastard of a disease but you should take some solace you are not on the road alone.

Thoughts and prayers. Iā€™m in Vincentā€™s here at the moment for a 3pm showdown.


Best wishes pal :muscle:t2:

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Fingers crossed for you buddy

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Best of luck mike. Fantastic staff in there.

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Best of luck Mike.
We will batter ye in the summer so youā€™d best stick about.

Best of luck bud. Prayers up

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Best of luck @iron_mike

Smash it @iron_mike

McDermott or Crowne?

Best of luck @iron_mike

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Fingers crossed mate. Best of luck.

Best wishes kid


Best of luck @iron_mike - keep fighting the fucker.

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hope it went well @iron_mike

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Hope all went well :+1:t2:

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Best of luck Mike, hope the news was good