The Cancer Thread

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Good luck Mike.

Best of luck Mike

Go gcuire Dia an t-ádh ort.

Best wishes Miko.

How does that translate literally??

May God put luck on you (literal). Best of luck (implied)

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Don’t know ya Mike and I’m not religious but the auld lady has a candle lit for ya… Give it a kick in the hole today :+1:


I love the phrasing of the Irish language

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Good luck Miko

Good luck Mike.

Good luck Mike, walk strong no matter what happens!

Fuck cancer!

Good luck Kid. You’ll be the finest.

Best of luck Mike :muscle:

tenor (54)


Are we allowed like that?

Are you fully done now bud? All clear and getting spare parts?

Oh I,
I will survive!
As long as I know how to love ,
I know I’ll stay alive!


Good man yourself

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Yup. All clear. Looking at the end of next month. Suits me fine cos I’ll be out for about a month and Chrisrmas be done and dusted at work.