The Cancer Thread

Savage news. And you’re after battering the shit out of the nice reply record @Julio_Geordio was trying to claim. Less than 5 mins!

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Did you go out for a bit to eat in Waterford after

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Great news, well done mate, you have been an inspiration to us all.

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Yeah believe it or not Fagan we just ended up in the viking with the daughter for a bit of a carvery. I wasnt out u til around d 12.45 and the daughter only had an hour for lunch. Twas grand actually

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Great news Mike fucking delighted.

Right who’s booking the strippers


Did the Daughter catch you for a few euro?

Dont you know she did. Worse still she didnt even ask me

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She got fed and a few euro.

A win win for the college student :sweat_smile:


Gwan ya good thing

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Male or female

I know it makes me worse than Hitler in 2020 but I I mean Mike would prefer female

Shit. I thought I was in for a few bob there.

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I’ve had it, it’s a grand feed. Well done.

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Yes Mike :clap::clap: definitely one of the good guys

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Abu da kid

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Mate, that’s brilliant news. I was waiting for you to post you bollix :joy:

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The I
The I
The Iron Mike


I’m organising a Liverpool crested inhaler for Mike in celebration


Congrats Mike. Delighted for ya.

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Great stuff Mike.

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