The Cancer Thread

Yeah heā€™s in good spirits. Heā€™d be a well balanced lad which will help.

Covid is a bollox in these situations as heā€™s allowed no visitors. Not even wife or kids.

It would shake you up.


Sorry to hear mate. My best

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Sorry to hear that.
Heā€™d have less chance getting it out for lunch than in a hospital.

How would they know the tumours are only secondary?

Not sure how they know but they know. CAT scan showed nothing so they think primary might be skin or testicles.

He was texting away asking was I out for a beer as pubs are open.


Thatā€™s tough going ā€¦Maybe itā€™s the age weā€™re at but every day I hear of someone else who has got it ā€¦
In the last week Iā€™ve also heard of two people who I would have been in school with or played football against who died ā€¦ life really does hang by a thread


Itā€™s terrible to think how fragile and mortal we are. You just have to put it to the back of your mind, live as full a life as possible and hope for the best


My missus had a biopsy a month ago. It had been delayed since March. Then delayed when was Covid positive. Anyway they said if anything sinister they would let her know in ten days and otherwise a check up in January. Itā€™s now 3 weeks so weā€™re assuming itā€™s ok.

Another pal of mine missus went to dentist who didnā€™t like a lump and sent her in. Tongue cancer but because so early she was fine.

Itā€™s a cliche and I got a dose of it when my dad was very sick in summer but you need to enjoy it and do things while you can. Ultimately itā€™s going to end sooner than you think.


Simple things really , enjoy them and donā€™t spend your life chasing your taleā€¦

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Fucking hell. Thatā€™s not easy lad

Take a photo of the pint
Drink the drinks
Kick a ball with the kids
Stop for the chat
Go for the run
Buy the silly thing you donā€™t need
Tell your pal you love them
Be nice to your wife
Be nice to yourself
Be kind


Itā€™s a funny one and @iron_mike is much better placed to comment but we all have much wider shoulders than we think

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Whatā€™s the cause of it. Nutrition? I have this unscientific theory that hard exercise puts huge stress on the body and lowers the immune system, combine that with other factors and it can open the door. Iā€™ve just heard of a few ā€˜never drank, never smoked, ran marathonsā€™ victims. I suppose a combination of stresses.

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I think they are intertwined - enjoying things and knowing that It ends sooner than you think ā€¦it makes basic things that you never imagined being enjoyable exactly thatā€¦thereā€™s a real letting go as you age ā€¦
Iā€™m pig ignorant when it comes to cancer ,I donā€™t know the different terms ā€¦ I havenā€™t been to a doctor in 20 yearsā€¦

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No idea. Extreme exercise lowers immune system. Cancer is in all of us but immune system zaps it until it doesnā€™t.

I think itā€™s a lottery.

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Conservatively. Sorry bar a prescription after a knee operation.

As half a hypochondriac I canā€™t identify. Mind you being so has caught a few things for me early on.

There is a fella I hurled with who has months to live, Iā€™d meet him the odd time and havenā€™t a fucking clue what to be saying to him. Met the wife and kids this evening in the local shop and your heart would go out to them.

Youā€™d be getting stressed with the silly shit that happens from day to day and then you encounter people who are having their worlds turned upside down and it puts things into perspective.


Very hard to come to terms with it. I miss my twenties when these things didnā€™t occur to you at all.

Once they told me they could sort it, I was grand. Granted the liver infection was a bit of a gamechanger but itā€™s all about attitude. One needs to meet this cunt head on. Iā€™ve been asked by the consultant if Iā€™d volunteer to talk to people with the same ailment as me. I said absolutely.