The Cancer Thread

I havenā€™t a clue what causes it . I know lads who have abused their bodies no end and are now in their 50s and not a bother ā€¦at a guess I think letting the body fend for itself is a big part .like fasting etc.


People who canā€™t accept they are from a certain county?

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we had a free medical scan at work
it picked up 3 or 4 cancers within or staff of maybe 300 people but it didnt pick up cancer in two of my mates who sadly passed

worth doing every few year despite that - As @anon98850436 says, you spend money getting a NCT for your car- do it for yourself


Thatā€™s it,maybe Iā€™m the fool not getting checked .I probably should get my bloods done

Like @flattythehurdler ?

good on you @iron_mike

despite you being an inbred twee simpleton hick cunt your attitude on this is hugely impressive


Youā€™d never know. You might be serving me a pint in the yacht club next year


take the straw out of your mouth when you walk in


Are we all going to @iron_mike birthday

Me and @flattythehurdler will get the 4 of Us


No harm in doing so

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Was on night out in Dublin back in the 90s with a couple of roasters from Mayo (check shirts, wranglers etc). After a lorry of pints we somehow ended up strolling into Swamp Critters in Rathmimes, place was hopping with middle aged working class Dubs and Brush Shields was up on stage belting out tunesā€¦

Brush then pulls up mid song and speaks directly down to us inside the doorā€¦ ā€œCan the culchies who just arrived leave the keys for the Massey Fergusons behind the counterā€. Big roar from the Dubs as Brush continues to abuse us as we try and sneak to the bar :sweat_smile:. Simpler times.


Good attitude

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I think he has a bit of a crush on me.

Sorry to hear that pal.


:joy::joy: that was a rough spot , a lot of vermin in there ā€¦they rebranded into Savannah or something like that ,put in a load of glass ā€¦a schmozzle broke out there one night and lads were fcuked out through the glass ā€¦absolute blood bath ā€¦must have been 5 ambulances outside the place.

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You forgot ā€œAnd Fuck Tippā€


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:this placeā€‹:clap::clap::flushed:

Cancer is a byproduct of evolution. If it wasnā€™t for the same process that causes cancer we would never have evolved beyond an amoeba.

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Do you know when theres an awkward silence and you feel the need to say something clever.



Never good to see this thread bumped. Best wishes to your pal, I feel heā€™ll be one of the lucky ones. Itā€™s a relentless bastard of a disease. Mind yourselves out there.
A full NCT on yourselves early in 2021 wouldnā€™t hurt you.

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