The Cancer Thread

Very sorry to read that. The randomness of these things would fuck with your head, if you dwelt too much on it.


It’s frightening how quick that bastard of a disease can take hold.

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Tough station boy

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Puts covid in perspective.

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Sorry to hear mate.

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Awful @TheUlteriorMotive… Just awful.

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Best wishes pal.

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Very sad news @TheUlteriorMotive.

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How much would it cost and would any normal gp be able to do it all?

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Scary shit alright TUM, what age is he? Did he have headaches or why did he first go in a month ago?

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No. Beacon or Mater or somewhere like that. About 600 notes last time I had it done and it triggered the pick-up of something worthwhile.

Not sure if they pick up things like early cancers though so they are really just about general health like blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate etc.

Think this is the one I got done:


Well worth it. They can perform a blood test for cancers. I’m not sure exactly what type of blood test it is but it measures something in the blood which can be a sign of a problem. Its how they detected my liver cancer after Christmas last year.


Not exactly the place for this you’d feel.

Sorry to hear this @TheUlteriorMotive. All you can pray for is an easy passing. Candle lit.


Sorry to see your news @TheUlteriorMotive

My own Dad went in a similar quick manner. Personally I just wanted it to end and thankfully it was quick.

A horrible bastard of a thing.


My wife’s niece lost her beautiful, soon to be 5 boy yesterday, totally out of the blue to this lethal disease. He’d been unwell last week, the Doc suspected a virus but he seemed grand the next day.
Yesterday he woke roaring in pain and complaining of stomach problems. He vomited blood while they were scurrying to the hospital and was practically unconscious upon arrival.
A scan quickly revealed a tumour that had played havoc with his little organs and he never regained consciousness. It was all over at 10.30pm RIP.

Let them have the I-pad or whatever, things can change and change utterly in a few short hours.


Fucking hell. That’s shocking. Fuck it all. The poor parents.

Fuck sake


Wtf, life is beyond cruel

Don’t have the words for that :slightly_frowning_face:

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