The Cancer Thread

Is it a specific blood test? I got “full bloods” done during the summer after a tick bite. Would that count?

Christ. That’s fuckin horrific.

You’d need to get the “half bloods” done too

Did you have a meeting or something?

Jesus, that is terrible

Strawberry fields forever…

Fuck me, some chat in here

Wait til I tell you this one, it’s about lukemia…

Presume Harry is talking about the likes of a full health screen with lung capacity test, ecg etc etc… Not cheap

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Worth it


Definitely, catching stuff early is the only job.

Unfortunately the decline has been shockingly fast. He was allowed home Christmas Eve but back to hospital by ambulance last night. Faculties have started to go.

Family have been this evening told it’s palliative care now and it’s gone from hoping for a cure to hoping he won’t suffer too much.

Stunned by it all. A month ago he was fine.

Sort of takes your breath away.




Ah bollox kid . I’m so sorry to hear that

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Stay well my mate.

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Aw man. I’m sorry. To say anymore is, well it’s just words. Go easy.

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Fuck, sad and scary news

Poor guy

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Fuck. That’s shit. Sorry to hear.

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That’s really shit news. So sorry to hear that. Hopefully he’s as comfortable as can be all the way til the end.

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Some balls lad. Stay strong

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Sorry to hear @TheUlteriorMotive :cry:

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