The Cancer Thread

Best of luck with the treatment and fight @Faldo


Ah fuck that shit man. Don’t know what to say to you at all.

Fight the cunting thing as best you can.

The very best wishes to you faldo.

Jesus @Faldo, that’s awful.

Wishing you all the very best going forward.

He is a hateful poisonous prick, someone clearly in the grip of a personality disorder. The word on him from a couple of people who know the gobshite in real life says the craic here flies right in tune with how he actually goes on. His love of populist authoritarianism reflects a deep seated disturbance. The mediocre’s need for attention nearly always issues in poison. Attacking Keelin Shanley
 There would be thousands of figures in 21st century Ireland before any halfway reasonable person would get to her name on the list. Says everything about someone that they would excoriate Keelin Shanley and laud Gemma O’Doherty.

And of course this gobshite remains stupid in nth degree. He is so politically illiterate as to want an absolutely maximal state where abortion is concerned and an absolutely minimal state where pandemic is concerned. Then again, the human equivalent of a speak your weight machine was always going to be light on brains.

Then you have the other poisonous prick that is @The_Most_Infamous, a gobshite who thinks it meet to tell a parent not to worry about a seriously ill child because d’oul Covid only affects the over eighties.


Try that one again I reckon

A forumite has just announced that he has been diagnosed with cancer and the best wishes of the community are with him on this, the appropriate thread/

There are a multiplicity of other threads for dick-measuring polemics and attention-seeking diatribes. Utilise them, please, and keep this thread free for cancer related matters.

Thank you.



Fuck sorry to hear that @Faldo that’s shit news.

I had not seen the news about @Faldo and I wish him all the very best.

I was replying to a post in this thread. You can stick your vouchsafing where the wally does not shine. I do not recall your Neighbourhood Watch act extended to the comments about Keelin Shanley.

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You called out the wrong forumite, schoolboy stuff.

All the best to you and your family @faldo.

I don’t know what to say.

All the best mate and use us here for ranting.

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Okay. Thank you. I will amend.

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I’m very sorry to hear this Faldo. Good luck, fight the good fight.

Best wishes @Faldo


Poisonous pricks are as interchangeable as pornography.

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TFK is going to have to kick the shit out of Faldo’s cancer. I raised €600+ for the prostate cancer unit in the Mater with my swim at the weekend. That’s barely a start on what’s needed. We need to put our brains together and come up with a plan of action. We have experts on everything here.


Id say some sort of golfing event would be more than apt. TFK Ryder cup every player fills a sponsor card or something, play it in a bang average course where the total novices who wish to play can’t wreck the place entirely.