The Cancer Thread

It would have to be an event that leaves no risk whatsoever of me coming into physical contact with the following posters:-

  • Sid
  • Fulvio
  • grapes
  • Enrique
  • you
  • labane
  • anyone from Galway
  • malarkey
  • Faldo

Sorry to hear that @Faldo. Terrible news. Best of luck for the road ahead.

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Some for covid reasons others forā€¦ well yeah. Imagine a doubles pairing of @Cheasty and @Tierneevin1979 up against @Malarkey and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


Best wishes to you and your family @Faldo

Thatā€™s the charity event right there! TFK cage fighting

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Iā€™ll price it up

Sorry to hear your news @Faldo - wishing you and your family all the best. Thereā€™s a grand collection of cunts here who will help out without even giving it a 2nd thought. Donā€™t be afraid to ask if thereā€™s anything we can do


Sorry to hear this news @faldo but as you say itā€™s deemed treatable.
The forum is behind you and yours, youā€™ll be giving golf tips here in 30 years. If thereā€™s anything we can help with just shoutā€¦.
A hurling title for Galway may need more timeā€¦ā€¦


@Faldo, really sorry to read that kid. keep the good fight going. Change your diet, do some meditation, eat the shit of a rare Peruvian caterpillarā€¦ Whatever you have to do kid.

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Iā€™ll dust off the Ping Eye 2s. Theyā€™re only 30 years old.

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Jesus @Faldo - sorry to hear that

Best wishes

Let us know if the forum can do anything such as chip in towards a holiday for you and the family. Would a trip to lapland for the kids be ok?


Iā€™m very sorry to hear your news @Faldo. Wishing you all the best in your recovery and Iā€™m certain that you will pull through it.

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Fuck @Faldo really sorry to hear that.

Positive vibes only from now on. Whatever we can do for you (individually or as a group) we will try. Itā€™s wide group here so please do ask for anything


thats awful news @Faldo

i wish you and yours all the best and strength in the upcoming battles and all that you will all have to endure with this insidious disease.

on behalf of all of us at the ratoath inn, look after yourselves and best wishes


Best wishes in the journey ahead. Hopefully you get some positive developments along the way.

I hate this thread.


Wishing all the best for you and yours @Faldo

You have the whole forum behind you as you learn to live with and overcome this.

Best of luck with the road ahead horse

@Faldo I donā€™t like to read news like that, I wish you the very best, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll beat the bastard :muscle:t2::facepunch:t2:

Best wishes @faldo