The Cancer Thread

Sorry to hear this news , he only had a kid at start of lockdown I thinkā€¦ life can be cruel ā€¦RIP.

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Very sorry for your loss. Maybe @fistoffury rest in peace.

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Thatā€™s very sad news

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Thatā€™s awful. Life can be absolutely shit. RIP @fistoffury.

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Thatā€™s absolutely desperate.

Sorry for your loss.

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That is terrible to read. @fistoffury was alright sort. I have no doubt he was a gent in real life going off his posts here. Very sad news


May he rest in peace

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Jaysus thatā€™s horrendous. Not sure what to say only may he rest well

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@Faldo , kick the shit out of this thing, please


Ah Jesus, thatā€™s awful news
RIP @fistoffury

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Very sad. May he rest in peace.

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Jesus thatā€™s awful news. He always came across as a very decent genuine sort and with a young family too if Iā€™m not mistaken. God rest him and fuck it all :frowning_face:


Jesus thatā€™s so sad to here. RIP @fistoffury

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That is extremely sad news. How tragic life can be. I am sorry for your loss @Achtungbaby and of course for the family of @fistoffury.

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Wtf. This has knocked me for 6.
We used to send the odd PM as we played his club a good few times over the years in challenge games. A really sound fella. Absolutely gutted.

Iā€™m really sorry for your loss @Achtungbaby


You think youā€™ve problems some timesā€¦ fucking hell!

RIP @fistoffury


Awfully sad news to hear. Rip.

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Very sorry to hear this. Desperate news.


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RIP @fistoffury

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