The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Four. Flatty needs more help 🐐


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Prime Real Estate in Keohes there.

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I was in the upstairs part of Kehoes last week. They do a lovely ginger beer that tastes like a soft drink.


The Porter laureates corner

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I must make it my business to be in there the day they give out those journalism awards across the road in the Mansion House this year.

I had some craic there last year.

Roy is surely a shoe in to retain his crown.

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Not a hope. There’ll be a counterinsurgency of the seethers that lays waste to his chances.

Gas. This auld lad is an absolute gent. He’s my local butcher but is Doherty’s coach. Doherty’s snooker hall is directly behind the butcher shop.

And for those who don’t follow the snooker thread, here’s another man from the same photo posted above after winning the world’s in the roughest pub in the area, The Furry Bog, made famous in Kin


Doherty has had a facelift by the looks.

Might be just Botox.
He’s definitely put on a few pounds and looks healthier for it.

That or splitting with the missus

I’d say both. And fillers.

That ‘auld lad’ is a gent. Did he have a son who was a very decent golfer?

I’m not certain of that to be honest. The auld lad got a very very bad dose of vertigo which aged him a lot in last year or two. Walks with a stick now over it.

Smashing guy.

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Location: Phil Lynott Tribute, The Blood Stream, Howth
Time: today about 5 mins ago
Who: Irish TV personality Smiley Bolger

Smiley looking like he been dug up for the day and not long before hell be returned to the clay. Bursting fags and pints out of it while still kicking about

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Not a spot.


Never heard of him so had a Google.

From 2020 and he’s still going strong.

Well, still going anyway.

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Joe Montana.

Right now. Sitting on a stool in the Aviva. Dressed all in black.

Drinking a pint of Guinness.


Fucking hell :heart_eyes: