The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Four. Flatty needs more help 🐐

She’s one of the most famous people in the world and the note about the back pack on the seat I think was enough to catapult it to legendary spot status.

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It sounds like he wasn’t even sure who she was until the imstagram post. You’d wonder can a spot even be awarded in such circumstances :thinking:

Interactions with strangers are wholly unwelcome here, a flagrant ignorance of social conduct reserved solely for lost tourists, upon the showing of a recent boarding pass as proof that one isn’t engaging in filthy fetishes of an overland extrovert.

The adjudication has happened so don’t think yourself to sleep there wondering

Live spot, Red Hurley on the golf trip in :es:, grey as a badger now

You’re either penned up in a real fancy hotel or holed up currently in a sleazy lap dance club with all these spots….

Hotel unfortunately I’m with the missus😄

I’ll take direction from the adjudicator thanks. Haven’t you got a nappy to change?

No sign of Syl Fox yet?

What an entitled cunt.


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He’s here also!!! Somehow forgot to log that one.

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You must be a regular at the Jury’s Oirish cabaret

I used to love the Braemor Rooms


The worst, almost as bad as putting your feet up on a seat in the public transport infraction game.

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You’ve been watching too much courtroom drama. Internet lawyering isn’t lawyering.

Was she dressed like this?

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Who: Ken Earley
Famous for: Member of Second Captains podcast and Irish Times soccer journalist
When: 1:30 today
Where: Queue in Bread 41, Pearse St
Wearing: Black cagoule, black/grey trousers and white Nikes
Other notes: Ken was unshaven and generally scruffy. He’s about 6’ 4 but he wouldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag I’d say. He was straining to see if they had any sandwiches left but anyone in the know will tell you the sambos rarely last past 1pm. I exited as he remained in the queue possibly going to get a sweet option instead.