The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Four. Flatty needs more help šŸ

Nope shorts sunglasses and casual out


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Who - Taoiseach Micheal Martin.

Where - the Ennis Road in Limerick, around 5.52pm yesterday evening.

The downbeat and sombre Prime Minister was walking back towards town with the rest of the masses following a blockbuster Munster hurling encounter. He had two members of his entourage either side, they didnā€™t appear to be minders but rather party lackies. The most striking feature was that Mr Martin was wearing a full suit, including the jacket, on one of the warmest days of the year. He went without a tie, at least.

He was inundated with selfie requests in the five or ten mins he was in my eye line, mostly from Cork supporters. One elderly Cork lad wearing one of those old classic Barryā€™s Tea jerseys roared at him - ā€˜up Nemo boi!ā€™, before congratulating the Taoiseach on how his son had performed the day before. Martin took it in good spirits, he bemoaned their exit from the hurling championship but opined ā€˜we still have the football and the U-20ā€™s final too.ā€™

The Limerick crowd were in good spirits so omitted to mention the shambolic nature of the hospital out the road.


Not a spot.



Clarification request please @Fagan_ODowd

How can Micheal Martin not be a spot but some no mark like Joe Molloy can be?

I believe there is a rule that politicians arenā€™t spots


That was never a rule.

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It is under this admin, now fall in.

Willie was knocking around as well.

He was accompanied by some 40 year old gimp smoking a pipe.


It was hardly him anyway. Surely heā€™d be coming from the Dog Track (helicopter pad) with a few travelling companions. And isnā€™t he using a walking stick now anyway?

Who : ubiquitous Irish gangland drama actor Aidan Gillen

Where - Door A Gate 21 Terminal 2 Heathrow Airport

When - Just now

Wearing - navy suit jacket dark jeans diadora running runners. He put sunglasses on as he boarded behind me.

Other notes - he arrived flustered and although well in time for the flight went to go to Door B Gate 21 which was the earlier Cork flight. He ducked under the belt that is there to keep queues orderly where you walk up and down as if mowing an imaginary lawn. I was surprised at this as I imagine heā€™s a seasoned LHR DUB commuter and also I didnā€™t think heā€™d have any business or other reasons to go to Cork. He realised his error and regained his composure.

His hair looks like as my mother would say ā€œhe was dragged through a ditchā€ so itā€™s possible heā€™s flying in a philogrobilized condition but thatā€™s mere speculation on my part and it may be he is currently playing a role where it calls for unkempt hair.



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Who: Gavin Friday

Where: Merrion Street

Famous for: Leader of the punk sensations that were ā€œThe Virgin Prunesā€ and Bonos mate

Appearance: Jeans and jacket which I suspect were more expensive than they looked

Notes: Gavin was crossing the road heading towards the Merrion hotel, probably to meet another titan of music

Gavin looked very red in the face.
It was overcast at the time so need for anyone to be wearing sunglasses. Gavin was wearing sunglasses.

Iā€™d say Gavin is a dose.



The chopper lands in Dr. Morris Park.

No doubt both of these will provoke a backlash but anyway

Who - Johnny Murtagh
Famous for - Group 1 winning jockey and trainer
Where - Dublin Airport gate 302
When - This morning
Details - I spotted Johnny in the scurry through Duty Free past security. I pointed him out to Mrs Mac who decided she wanted a photo of him and the kids as we knew he was Epsom bound. We saw him 40 mins later at the gate in a fairly aggressive phone conversation. When it was over our 2 lads were brought to Johnny for a photo. Assuming he had better things to do I started moving the lads away only for Johnny to spend the next 10 mins chatting away to us about everything from horse racing to hurling. I was slightly starstruck to be honest. I was stuck between talking to him about winners heā€™d rode in obscure places like Listowel, Derby Winners and his podcast with Dunphy where he laid all his problems out. In the end none of it came up as he just shot the breeze about an Irish man going over to take ITVā€™s shilling and chatted away to our lads.

Who - Jeremy Clarkson
Where - Outside a London theatre at the axis of Leicester Square, Chinatown and M&M World
When - early today
Details - As above, weā€™re in London. We walked the legs off the young lads and were taking a pitstop in M&M World just off Leicester Square. On our way there we managed to encounter the crowd coming out of a matinee performance of something. I walked straight into some lad who was very apologetic. I acknowledged it was my fault as I was trying to ensure our middle lad didnā€™t get lost in the crowd and when I checked his face he looked very familiar. He stood off to the side with a younger leggy blonde and lit up. We crossed the road and after a fair bit of staring from my side I realized twas Clarkson. The only reason I didnā€™t recognize him at first glance is that he now looks about 25 years older than his actual age. Heā€™s beyond haggard and looks absolutely awful. He chatted away and shook hands with other punters as we watched on from the queue to M&M World

