The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Do you consider anybody on tv a celebrity?

If you have your own show on RTÉ it’d impress me right enough

Surprise surprise, he’s easily impressed

Is Bernard Dunne a spot?

Boxer or Gah mentalist?

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Live spot. Clare Daly walking down Pearse st westbound towards the junction with Westland row. She is not accompanied by Mick Wallace.

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Was Mick’s son with her?

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Ray D’Arcy having lunch in the strand bar in Dunmore East yesterday afternoon.

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Jp Fitzgerald (Rory Rory Rory’s ex caddie) having a few green bottles in The Carpenter. Rory won’t be married before 50 apparently

JP mustn’t have got the invite to the wedding so


Not a spot

The sword has swung

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The sword has swung

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Not a spot

The sword has swung

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Alan kelly

Famous for?
Several high profile strange hurling decisions.

The silver teal moycullen

Just there now

Status update
Looks like, to quote a tfk classic, he might struggle on soft ground. It is unclear looking at Alan or, in particular, that fat cunt Brian gavin, quite how stringent the gaa refereeing fitness tests are.

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I’m waiting for a proper adjudicator mate. I have every hope that this’ll pass muster.

You’re probably a confident guy. I’d give this little enough chance in all honesty.
The level of the rejection could be painful.

Feel free to continue spotting.

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Spotted Irish Catholic / Iona Institute / religious zealot / nut job David Quinn on Nassau Street at 12.15pm when I was making my way to The Westbury.

Was sitting in a window seat in The Gallery in The Westbury at 2pm, tucking into the middle tier scones of the afternoon tea offering, when I spotted Glenda Gilson strolling down Balfe Street and making her way into the hotel.

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Should you not be making two separate spots for administrative purposes?