The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Former Everton defender and Scotland international Gary Naysmith. I’d like to offer a florid account but the spirit has been dealt a bit of a sore blow.


I’m here mate. I’d love to hear it. Purple faced and angry??

If it’s judged to be a spot I’ll follow up with something fitting, it’ll be worth it

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The vitriolic rejection of the “spot” of some Scottish soccerballers has wounded him.
We’ve all had top class spots rejected under some spurious ruling but the downright partitionist nature of fall of the sword was breathtaking.

He lives up somewhere around Bellaghy and those boys aren’t to be fucked with.
If I were the adjudicator I’d be having a good gander under my car in the mornings.


I greatly enjoyed your musings here, and feel your points are absolutely valid.

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Not a spot

The sword has swung

Poor formatting but still a spot

The sword has swung

There you go mate. Arise and expound.

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So how come the entire queen of the south squad isn’t a spot when their mere manager is?

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I’m taking a stab at the fact that nobody fucking knows of those useless cunts

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This is no time to be cruel

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Who ?Michael Carrick
When ? Just there this morning.
I decided to cycle to work to take advantage of the sunshine and was trundling up near oak road in prestbury. Michael was walking along the side of the road as I swung past giving him a two metre gap. He waved and said a cheery good morning, but looked a little weary and concerned. He was walking with his wife. She was in lycra leggings , Michael in shorts and a training type t-shirt, not manyoo branded I don’t think.
Michaels hair and beard were edging into sadam Hussein territory, leading me to think that his personal groomer of choice has downed tools.
Michaels nose is more dented than it looks on telly.


Superb narrative in difficult circumstances. :clap:


From you boxty , this means more.
I hope you’re holding up ok my oul epal.
I think the world of you.

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@flattythehurdler is the Postman of the Celebrity Spotting thread

Global pandemic.

He always delivers.


Delighted to give than number 10


That’s a spot

The sword has swung

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I was out taking care of essential business with a visit to The Parting Glass in Enniskerry where I picked up some bottles of red (RED) wine.

As I exited I spotted real estate developer nay visionary Johnny Ronan sitting at a wooden table dressed head to toe in black cycling gear. He was accompanied by his son. Johnny can be a poster child for our recovery from Covid 19 as he has risen like a Phoenix from the Celtic Tiger ashes.

As an aside I was once in a meeting with Johnny where he Liberally used the word “cunt” as punctuation, noun and possibly adverb.

Celeb Spot Bonanza yesterday morning, 3 within the space of about 30 minutes.

No.1 - Serial COTY contender Oliver Callan with maybe his partner or brother

No. 2 - Celebrity economist David McWilliams with probably his wife out for his brief exercise allowance at Seapoint swimming spot. It struck me that he dressed very casually for an economist.

No. 3 - Hollywood superstar Cillian Murphy outside spar in Monkstown, presumably down to pick up a few bits for brunch.

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