The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

He’s often out Connemara direction. He might even have a gaff out there somewhere.


Epic scenes in Straw earlier this evening. What must be the last chrysler 300 on the road was off the road and jacked up by a watery looking female chauffeur.
All windows were open and the owner was so tipped right up against his romantic interest that his head was in the frame of the rear passenger side window. I enquired if he and his party were ‘aright’. He affirmed they were but for the chauffeur’s struggle with a flat tyre. She was rocking the car around slightly in an attempt to loosen wheel nuts. I did the manly thing and took control of the situation…letting the car down, stomping on the wheel brace etc. Job done in twenty minutes. To cut a long story short I exchanged a few banality and explained that myself and the wee lad were off on a hopeless fishing trip on a waterless glenelly. It just so happens that the chrysler owner has fishing rights on the Shane’s castle stretch of ‘The Maine,’ and has invited Glenshane junior and I to an evening’s casting and wading.


Tubridy is a great guy. Always on. He’s well aware of his limitations, perceived or otherwise.

He’s paid well but it’s a tough gig when you’re man-marked 365 days of the year.

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So, this is a ‘guess the celebrity’ one?

It’s either Lord Kilclooney or Joe Brolly.


Joe drives an s class. Apart from that he’s one of the people

Closest thing to a sympathy like I could muster up.

giphy (26)

Well if it wasn’t for sympathy likes…

Touch of the Sean Dyche about that post kid

I think your excitement got the better of you here.

As it should.

That’s as poorly thought out and executed as mike’s garden bench


Yeah, if there was a mass card emoji just to hand out a sympathy like, I would have given it to him

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Lads are literally simultaneously seething and hopping like sausages because glenshane and glenshane junior are on friendly terms with a lad who’s literally a rock and roll hall of famer.


Go back and re-write that celeb spot in English like a good man.


That’s a serious spot mate, well done :clap:

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Dont encourage him

It’s one of the most high profile spots logged here. Worth at least 25 likes

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Thanks buddy. Excellent moderation.