The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Question for @smark and @Brimmer_Bradley here.
Is there a rugby player alive who would qualify as a spot??

Why are you asking brimmer this?

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Indeed, @Brimmer_Bradley has proven all the critics wrong.

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That also is a good question.
Letā€™s just say I feel a little uneasy at the type of democracy on display here, and whilst he may not have been ready for the hot seat, he certainly showed promise.
In any case, answer the question.

Who: Ann Doyle
Famous for: Long standing RTE news reader
Where: McGrattans bar off Baggot St, Dublin 2
When: Today circa 5pm
Wearing: A silver dress ensemble with black high heels and an outrageous silver/pink hat
Company: The owner of McGrattans (who I believe is her partner) and another younger couple
Other notes: Ann was drinking a Diet Coke and happy to watch At the Races while chatting to her companions. Mrs Spidey has been known to resemble a young Ann Doyle and Ann remarked the same when we were sat beside their table. Ann had just been to Stephens Green and was beaming about the crowds/events there and wanted to know where we had been. Sheā€™s a sound doll and had backed Bonny Kate in the National but never got a run for her money. We left half an hour later as her table focused their attention on the racing in Cork.

Thatā€™s a spot.

Christ thatā€™s powerful leadership.

Any chance youā€™d answer my question @smark , or have you gone all North Korea on us?

Iā€™m not answering it as youā€™ve insulted me tonight by including brimmer in that question, as if we are co adjudicators or something. Thereā€™s one leader and one leader only or else thereā€™s carnage. Look at any co manager arrangements, theyā€™ve all failed. Mayo last year being an example. Iā€™m the gaffer here. I think you should apologise to be honest.

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Who: Bernard Dunne
When: Sunday March 27th, 2016, circa 11:25pm
Where: Vicar St.
Bernard was standing around in the upstairs seating section after the Damien Demspey gig when the crowd in the ground floor standing section became aware of his presence due to his close proximity to John Connors (who had earlier been on stage to read the Proclamation and raise the Irish Republic flag with Damo) who was encouraging the crowd below to keep singing ā€œItā€™s All Goodā€.

Sincere apologies. Now answer the fucking question like a good chap.
Mayo are a bad example. They fail with one, two, eight or nineteen managers.

Jonah Lomu were he still alive would be a spot. Maybe your man Basterud the French fella I might allow in the right context. Canā€™t imagine any other egg chasers passing but feel free to post them folks and Iā€™ll continue to rule in a very fair and balanced way in the best interests of the board and the people who put me in this position.


Tony Oā€™Reilly

I imagine if you saw an Irish rugby player with coke on his nose in NY thatā€™d be a spot.

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A spot of coke?

Iā€™ll give it, just. But its a terrible standard of spot. Please try harder for better quality in future.

What was he wearing @Sidney and how did he conduct himself.
The answer you give will mean a lot now mind. So be careful.

Ps. I think youā€™re one of the good lads on here so fire away ta fuck. Iā€™ll give it anyway buddy.

Ann Doyle must have been spotted a good 20 times in McGrattans on this thread since it started. At what point does it stop becoming a spot and just become expected given her partner owns the place?


I canā€™t really remember what he was wearing. Smart casual attire, mostly black, I think.

He was conducting himself in a low-key manner, just standing around and talking and not facing the crowd. While he seemed to be laughing and joking Iā€™m not sure if he was entirely comfortable that the crowd became aware of his presence.

Iā€™m happy to award a spot for that @Sidney. Well done our kid.
Congrats and well done on the detail.

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