The Celtic Curse - TFK Haemochromotosis Sufferers and Carriers Thread


Iā€™m putting the spike down to the illness I had over the Christmas / New Year

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80 :arrow_down: :ronnyroar:



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65 :arrow_down:


Nice one Fran :+1::+1:

Cheers, the bastard is still bringing me back in 4 months, I thought heā€™d give me 6


141 :cry:

Am I right in saying itā€™s over a year since your last phlebotomy?


162 :arrow_up:

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

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I was in last weekā€¦ First time since the pandemicā€¦ Was down to 140ā€¦ Up to 290ā€¦ Back to every 2 weeks again for a while

2 weeks :weary:

I remember going every week for the first few months, that was torturous enough

What are ye at all at all, lads?

I was once a week for over a year at the startā€¦ Then down to once a month

I was once a week for 3 years. I knew everyone in the hospital.

Thatā€™s what happened your knee by the way.

My knee???