The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Dear Flatty,

You suggested the only reason our interest rates were low were because the ECB is guaranteeing the euro, I pointed out other eurozone countries who didnā€™t have low interest rates therefore making shit of your argument.



Dear Flatty,

You suggested the only reason our interest rates were low were because the ECB is guaranteeing the euro, I pointed out other eurozone countries who didnā€™t have low interest rates therefore making shit of your argument.



Nope. You need to look back a little more to gauge low interest rates is all.
Thatā€™s the trouble with politicians in general.
The politics of here, now and reelection.
You know exactly what Iā€™m saying. Even Italian rates are historically low.

RTƉā€™s lead report on Six One was the job losses in HP in Leixlip. As usual with such stories, they interviewed staff to get reaction. One of the two was a college intern who started work last week. He said it didnā€™t really affect him but he felt bad for everyone else as theyā€™d be nice to him over the past week. :laughing:


Iā€™m surprised HP were still manufacturing in Oireland.

I am using this as an excuse to repost my best ever post on here

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not for longā€¦

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Kaiser Noonan is an amazing leader and doing a legendary job, perhaps the Kaiser is the worlds last great statesman


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you hate trump now?

Of course not, like the majority of people, I think President Trump is a great leader and a great guy. However, not even President Trump would likely consider himself as a great statesman.

Another day, another miracle.

I wonder why this thread is so quiet?

Thereā€™s your HP jobs back and some change @Matty_Hislop

Adding to the news from, itā€™s just full steam ahead for the Irish economy under the Kaiser.

The Kaiser :clap:

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While that graph is quite detailed there are a few questions I would have on it. Donā€™t mimic @Tim_Riggins habit of posting misleading stats and graphs. Any stat or graph can conveniently omit important data to spin a particular story.

Fire ahead with your questions so.

What did Noonan do to create jobs?

Kaiser Noonan, we salute you. God bless you.

Undoubtedly the greatest Irish politician in history


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A safe pair of hands who has managed the public purse well, which has restored business confidence in the country. He shouldnā€™t be doing much else.

We need to cut more though, the next two generations are being saddled with debt.

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Does the graph take into account emigration?

Can you give me more detail please?