The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

You live in a fascist world where every decision is right.

Nice little boost for the public coffers when these redundancy lump sums are taxed as well. What a day to be made unemployed. Your a winner and your contributing the state coffers. Fellas will be going home with a pep in their step at the news

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Top slicing relief means the tax will be negligible.

I thought redundancy payments are not taxed?

Iv been through it recently myself. It wasn’t negligible unfortunately

Statutory element is tax free. Ex gratia isn’t depending on amount

The borrowing for free is nowt to do with the govt. It is down to the Ecb guaranteeing the euro, and the current global economy.
The govt have innovated only in under the table tax havenage.
Ireland has uniquely benefited as a few hundred/ thousand jobs here and there make a vast difference as we are small. We have done so at the expense of the remainder of the developed world, and the underdeveloped world, leading a race to the bottom for multinational tax. Personally, I think it’s wrong, but hey ho.
My main beef is that they have actually done fuck all innovating. If and when the multinationals drift away, nothing much is any better.
They have ensured it is a highly expensive country to live in. Wages are very high relative to many peers.
They have started to buckle already in ps wage talks.
Ireland Inc had to cut its cloth a bit, but it’s cloth was generous in the extreme.
This govt has been dull, sneaky, and lucky.
Not a bad combination, but I sense we are being seen now for what we are, a nation craving love from all and sundry, whilst quite happy to pick their pockets whilst they tickle our chin.
I think the current govt have spent international goodwill at a steady rate. The ramifications remain to be seen, but it won’t be on their watch, so they don’t give a fuck.


Why can we borrow 10 year money cheaper than the Portuguese, Spanish, Greeks, Italians etc then? We are pretty much at parity with the French as well.

Have Apple not lodged it into an Escrow account already?

EU are not attacking our Corporate Tax of 12.5%, they are only telling us to apply it evenly across the board and not to be anti competitive by giving the likes of Apple a lower rate.


Relatively marginal. In any case, it is because our bad banks are known knowns. We can borrow cheaply because the previous govt took the bank burden on the taxpayer, and actually, mainly as the tax haven horse has been a faithful steed this past few years. Once it starts to falter wait and see what happens.
The Greeks are fucked, and always were, aided by the vampire squid to lie about the state of their finances in the first place.
The Italian banks are known unknowns, though in truth, the only unknown is whether the Ecb will rescue them if needed.
The Spanish economy is harder to turn as it’s far bigger. Ireland is in a pretty unique position to profit from being a tax haven. It’ll only really work well for small countries, where a bribe of a few hundred jobs makes screwing everyone else worthwhile in the eyes of the population.

The govt are giving every corporation who asks a better rate.12.5% is window dressing.
If the German economy ever starts to falter, they will come looking.

So it’s nothing to do with the ECB guaranteeing the euro and the current global economy?

apart from indigenous, they fleece them.

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We are borrowing a full 3% cheaper than the Portugeese, 6% cheaper than the Greeks and 1% cheaper than the Italians, hardly marginal.

There won’t be a cow milked in Leixlip tonight.

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Don’t be stupid. Of course it is. As you know well. Otherwise we’d be paying 15% , the others more.
I take it you are suggesting negative interest rates are down to Michael noonan then?
I can’t believe I’m answering this.

The fact you are needing to compare us to Greece to try and make your point says it all.

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Dear Flatty,

You suggested the only reason our interest rates were low were because the ECB is guaranteeing the euro, I pointed out other eurozone countries who didn’t have low interest rates therefore making shit of your argument.



Dear Flatty,

You suggested the only reason our interest rates were low were because the ECB is guaranteeing the euro, I pointed out other eurozone countries who didn’t have low interest rates therefore making shit of your argument.
