The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael


Leo isnā€™t a bit out of touch.

Itā€™s part of the spin to say the government have managed this crisis well and that lockdown is the right strategy.

Itā€™s bollocks. Leo is a self serving cunt. Heā€™s played the game and has codded a whole load of people.

Heā€™s undermined champ, leaked like fuck and now heā€™s trying to say weā€™re economically ok.

And yet Pascal is out yesterday saying heā€™s going to tax the shit out of the middle classes. Pascal has no imagination. Increasing taxes to fund the shit show of a HSE isnā€™t that palatable so itā€™s not.

I laughed when I got the letter about the LPT there the other day.

They delayed payment last year because of the pandemic that had just started. No delay from the cunts this year though. After a year of economic chaos.

The media in this country are like little lambs. Completely in tow with the party line.

Iā€™m sick of it and Iā€™m not going to do a single thing about it.


This champ thing has to stop

Thats a good take on it tbf, I donā€™t disagree with you but I think more people see through the spin and the taxing the middle class, especially if it goes down the LPT, USC or income tax route fg may lose seats. Saying that like the media the 60% of people how voted for ffg in the last HE are the same lambs who are happy with lockdowns etc.
Its not so black and white maybe he is out of touch as I said, maybe Iā€™m wrong its not as simple as that but the spin factor and varadkar is a cunt is definitely feeding into the bullshit

God bless the MNCā€™s.

Is your manā€™s farm still in the middle of the plant or did they get him out

They paid him handsomely I believe.

Nice like

Was that the guy they made the documentary about?

He crowning achievement was being @Brimmer_Bradley 's avatar for a number of years.

Iā€™m saddened to hear he cashed out after all he went through. Must have gotten a tidy sum.

Iā€™m not sure if he did sell up. His land doesnā€™t directly impact on the development I believe.

His cattle look half starved which isnā€™t surprising.

Where did Brimmer go to ?

Away with the birds.

Under the slurry tank

Smell of Celtic Tiger in the air

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Pat is a great man.
Great at valuing houses, (the fact the valuations might always come in a grand over what you need it to be is purely coincidental).

Like all good valuers, the first question is, what price do you want it to be?

The Celtic tiger is in full throated roar. There is massive wealth everywhere in Ireland again, for better or worse.
The housing market has gone ballistic.