The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

I wonder is it stalling any bit in Dublin, anecdotally the surge in Limerick is coming from people moving back from Dublin

No, booming everywhere. One of my bessiers just sold a small site valued by the agent at 220k, for 305k the same month.

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No. Absolutely not. Met a lad this morning in a bidding war for a semi detached 4 bed needing a bit of doing up. 685grand at the momentā€¦

If anything itā€™s getting even boomier.

Thereā€™s full employment again, and this time with a huge number of very highly paid high tech jobs.
Theyā€™ll be back trying to dampen the economy with savings bribes again soon.
I also noted on my recent trip home that the new plate cars are becoming more extravagant again.
I honestly think Ireland is the wealthiest country in the world across the board.


Can I forget about Mungret for <350k in 12 months time Julio?

Insane out there.

Iā€™ve heard of a large red brick in D6 that was listed under ā‚¬3m. Bidding looks like it will surpass ā‚¬4m.

Another much more modest house I saw in D6 failed to sell for ā‚¬800k in late 2019 has appeared on the PPR for ā‚¬925k or around that anyway.

Nope, huge lack of supply so prices all going higher than asked for

people buying houses without setting foot in them

What could possibly go wrong

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They could go into the wrong house after they buy it?

The important thing is that weā€™ve learned our lessons from the crash and matured as a nation.

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Property seems expensive in Ireland, I think I might invest abroad instead, somewhere up and coming like Bulgaria perhaps

The cost of building materials has exploded apparently.

And specialist builders have left the country because we shut down the industry for months. And with heavy border restrictions, people wonā€™t move here to work.

Itā€™s mental. For most people,this property boom brings more hardship. It coincides with massive job production and relative wage inflation at present, and Id imagine there will be no significant unemployment in Ireland for a generation at least, but, youā€™d worry that this great windfall will again be squandered. There seems to be no forward planning at all.

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There will be a chunk of unemployment from hospitality, tourism and retail that canā€™t be readily redeployed to the construction sector.

Iā€™m more optimistic about employment recovering quickly but youā€™re correct on everything else. Our (FG primarily) policy of let the markets at it have gotten us here, and our unwillingness to tackle vested interests means we are only tiptoeing around the edges of the problem. It seems to me that Sinn Fein are the only party that can tackle this issue.

Record mortgage drawdowns in Q1.

was talking to en EA in dalkey last week and theyre absolutely flabbergasted how mental the market is gone, says its more nuts than 2007

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There is so little supply. I know a few people looking to buy and thereā€™s not much out there.

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theyre selling without a physical viewing in some cases and normally for at least 15-20% over price. stuff is going sale agreed in some cases in less than 2 weeks after the board went up.

then again, this is the greater dalkey area

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