The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

fuck people that work hard, they have no rights

The can pay, wonā€™t pay brigade are stopping others getting a social house built for them.

Wheres my free gaff and island?

Banning housebuilding will solve the housing crisis

You literally could not make it up.

We need our builders working on appropriate and strategic housing projects.

My housing project fills all those criteria

We should buy ourselves something nice

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A couple of lotto tickets maybe?

How many days of a lockdown would it pay for?

Oh great.

sure what could possibly go wrong?

#softlanding #wedontneedtopaythecovidbill

I got an extra few quid in the wages this month due to tax band changes.

Iā€™ll be voting FFG again.

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Mickey Martin is doing a great job.

He should be running the country


In the shuffle hopefully he might end up with health. He could be just the man to tackle the HSE and split it back in local health boards.

Not sure if your missus works. Well worth making sure your tax credits are properly set up. I got a nice few quid back out of it a few years ago and generally get 1500 quid odd back in Jan with the p21 when they review it post year end

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They laughed at Michael Noonan, they told him it couldnā€™t be done, yet here we are on the cusp of the glory days again



Thereā€™s a good lesson there for anybody trying to sell an asset in a falling market.