The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Itā€™s true though Iā€™m pretty sure. Ireland is palpably wealthier than any other country Iā€™ve been to. Itā€™s why you have lads walking out of restaurants if theyā€™re too cheap.
As an aside, that was awful news about Cathal Coughlan.

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Itā€™s a meaningless stat, I doubt too many will be vexed.

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Can we add that on to our 7 Eurovision wins? I mean its the closest weā€™ve come like

Itā€™s a Kip

Itā€™s the richest Kip in the world though.

Once Sinn Fein take charge itā€™ll still be a Kip. Just not a rich Kip.

The place is awash with money.

I was out for a bidniz dinner last night

The restaurant was not cheap. It was packed. On a Monday night. We asked the waiter why it was so busy. It was a medical student graduation night.

My desert was a winner


Paddy loves to play the poormouth despite his kitchen island and vast array of barbecue paraphernalia.


And a queue round the district for Dublin airport

6 by Nico?



Was in there a few months ago. Thought it had dropped off a bit


Thereā€™s 1.4 million in receipt of social welfare paymentsā€¦ About 500k of those are pensioners tho so itā€™s hard to judge their true economic state, but itā€™s fair to say a good whack of them probably have fuck all other than the state pension. Thereā€™s another 8% of the workforce, or just under 200k people, on minimum wage. Iā€™ve no idea of the numbers just above minimum wageā€¦ But while your world view is ice cream, thereā€™s a good chunk of people strugglingā€¦ And all the skewed GDP figures of multi nationals funneling profits through here wonā€™t change thatā€¦ Great to see the 1924 GDP figures for Ireland tho :rofl:


These lists are a cod. Lets look at the facts of life in ireland, third world healthcare, mass homelessness for a low density population, an airport that you cant get in or out of the country, taxed to the nines, gouged on the price of everything the list goes on. We are certainly way better off that a majority of the world but to say we are all rich is comical.

David McWilliams had a stat on his podcast today that approx. 10% of the population are around the poverty line, how accurate that is fucked if i know but it was to compare to 20% in the UK.

Yes our numbers are bigger than other countries bjt in relative terms means fuck all. We were all millionaires in 2006


I dont know but Id say a lot of that stuff is still based around a higher ratio of people owning their own property here. Give it another generation and weā€™ll be mid table.

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Own nothing and be happy by 2030 as the man says.

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1.4 million in receipt of social welfare payments and places canā€™t get staff. Highest minimum wage in Europe

Most of them on gold plated Public service pensions sitting on houses worth hundreds of thousands. Lots of people are inheriting life changing wealth vis an ordinary house

There was no queues for the airport in the 1980s because nobody flew anywhere except to emigrate.

Weā€™re the richest country in Europe and lads just donā€™t want to know it. Iā€™d fear for the future though as the politicians we have now are second rate and getting worse.


At average incomes and below, the Irish income tax burden is relatively low when compared to other EU Member States (MS). In 2019, the income tax rate for a single person on a low income in Ireland was 16%, compared to the EU average of 25%.


Highest minimum wageā€¦ How does that stack up against the cost of living? The rest is all anecdotal horseshitā€¦ Thereā€™s scores of pensioners holding back on turning on heating in winter and long before current crisisā€¦ But yeah, theyā€™re all sitting on millions.

Thereā€™s no one denying that thereā€™s a lot of money and opportunity about, but not for everyoneā€¦ Thereā€™s a nice chunk of society just about getting by and living payment to payment.

But you -im alright jacks- donā€™t see beyond your own nose.


People have so much money they donā€™t need to work.

Pessimism isnā€™t good for the soul