The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Irelandā€™s a kip!


FFG are destroying the country.

Corporation tax is a great one.

When articles come out about how we collect a disproportionate amount of it relative to our peers, we are overly reliant on it.

When 12.5% is mentioned, we donā€™t collect enough of it and Apple are robbing us of billions.


Sure id be coming in from the private sector with all my relevant experience. I wouldnt be taking a job as an EOā€¦

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The main relative experience you need is an uncle or aunt.
Itā€™s relative experience, not relevant.

Think you may be stuck back about 30 years there @Flatearthy

Theyā€™d have to pay you the big bucks to make sure youā€™re not poached back by the Vending Machine industry.

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Big Vending mate. BIG VENDING.

Thatā€™s true. Next time thereā€™s an open competition for Berlingo drivers, youā€™re a shoe in.

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In all honesty, who know what theyā€™d put you doing. Youā€™re used to a lot more control and freedom that 99% of jobs you might land, Iā€™d say itā€™d drive you to drink. Steer clear.

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Shoo in?

Thanks mate. I appreciate youā€™re just trying to keep that sweet gold plated pension to yourself but i promise i wonā€™t hold it against you when Iā€™m your boss.


Iā€™m sure youā€™d be a great boss mate. Itā€™s not all easy though. Youā€™d earn your gold-plated pension trying to manage to @artfoleyā€™s of the civil service I can tell you.

im a dream to manage. id say screechy little virtue signallers like you would be painful to try and manage.

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If @Brimmer_Bradley had a fella like you heā€™d be a senior manager by now. Instead he had a prick like cinderglassa and ended up going off the grid


Where are these jobs advertised. I donā€™t think Iv ever seen them on LinkedIn or the likes

Thatā€™ll drive a few lads demented.


That was largely why I posted it.