The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Fleeced is right. Our income tax rates are low but the higher rate kicks in just above minimum wage levels. We get fleeced on indirect taxes, fuel being a prime example Tax can be good if spent correctly but itā€™s wasted on inflated salaries for certain public sector jobs. For all the tax we pay we get very little for it. If the taxes raised on fuel were ring fenced for renewable energy grants or subsidies then it would be money well spent but youā€™d have some greedy civil servant sticking his nose in that trough.

Peopleā€™s expectations of their standard of living are also wreaking environmental carnage

Add in car loan of say 500, insurance, credit card, probably well over a grand in creche fees along with the usual energy bills and that 6k diminishes very quickly

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Iā€™m on record as calling that out - they underbid for that contract and should be fucked out for non performance

I know one very well known investment bank that has bought over 1,000 3 and 4 bed houses since 2016 in Dublin, Limerick, Cork, Galway and Waterford. More than 2 houses every week with cash.

Competing against couples and families trying to scrape money together and then beg a bank for a mortgage.


Theyā€™re all doing it.

The apartment we were renting was sold when we were leaving. Crowd who gave me back the deposit were one of those lads.

Bought it for nothing at the time. 3 or 4 years of rent now max.

Pure profit.

Bizarrely I bumped into an oul teammate in the pub on Saturday. Heā€™s a plumber who moved from manc back to Dublin a couple of years ago. He said he was making more money in Manchester. I found that very surprising.

Michael Douglas High Quality GIF

Where should we cut spend and what should it be distributed too

Truthfully I never heard or knew of anyone taking a foreign holiday til I was well into secondary school, and a lad came in with a tan after going to the canaries.


Paying twice for some services. The HSE is a black hole for money yet if you want decent healthcare you have to have private health insurance or if you are lucky enough to have your employer provide it you pay BIK, on top of levys and taxes on the premium. Plus pay for some public services if you visit.

USC and PRSI are paying the same pot.

LPT (i agree in principle with property tax) but it goes to councils. Conpare to the UK where it covers bins and other services

Tax on fuel has been discussed on here at length

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I should be allowed drive a 6.4 litre diesel pickup in ireland

They need to build more. 1000s planned for Fingal but each time locals object to it


They also need to build in places people actually want to live.

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No need to cut spending, not the answer. It is clear that the public service is completely over bloated with waste. An effort for streamling public service, leaning out department by department customer (the public) focused. The HSE is whale in public service. From what i have seen is thr revenue online portal is one of the best public services i have seen.

Build up not out.

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There is a bill before the AG to try deal with Judicial Reviewsā€¦I have my doubts though.

Judicial Reviews are a joke. I know one scheme that got overturned on a judicial review for not meeting certain guidelinesā€¦Guidelines!!! Not regulation or legislation. One Judge decided to kybosh the scheme which would have delivered homes.

The much praised and award winning Henry J Lyons building had the exact same detail for the particular guideline yet won awards!!

Itā€™s a fucking joke


Building up is blocking someoneā€™s view of Georgian Dublin :-1:


In certain cases. They have apartments in the likes of Kinnegad or Ballyboughalā€¦ā€¦the fucking places are surrounded by green fields and they build apartments???

Up in the city, family homes in the suburbs

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Up there with that windfarm is blocking my view of a field and cycle lanes stop me parking my dacia shitbox outside my house

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