The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Go on I’ll bite so. Can you give an example of the inflated public sector salaries you’re talking about?

Funny how you talk about relativity but ignore other countries.

The cost of housing is a universal issue across the west.
Ireland does not have third world healthcare. It is rather good in parts and mediocre in others. Referring to it as third world is highly ignorant and dismissive of actual third world countries.

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They’re jobs pitched for college students and they got thousands of applications for them.

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90% of public servants earn under 70k

How much were flights and the rest back then?

Also, can we get a definitive figure of how much of the total tax take is spent on inflated public sector salaries?

23.5 billion out of tax of 68 billion

Ok, but not all public sector salaries are inflated. Which ones are? How many public servants are on salaries of, say, over 80 grand per year?

& how much of that 23,5 billion is paid back in taxes

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The money spent on people who as Professor Crown described them have no ability except an ability to pass interviews.

The administrators, the managers who 20 or 25 years ago decided and demanded that they be paid the same as the professionals.

I’m not sure which ones are inflated. I’d be interested in some examples. Teachers, Gardaí, nurses aren’t. I’d say consultant doctors salaries are inflated but they can’t be got, that’s the market for them I guess.

I’d put much of the challenges for our public finances down to FG policy choices and complete linability to control current spending. It’s outrageous they still present themselves as the “fiscally prudent party” and get away with it.

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Fair assessment a majority of public service workers arent on inflated wages i wpuld say that some departments (maybe a lot) could do with productivity reviews and improvements. Not that the people are doing fuck all but the systems they are working in are inefficient and that the civil servants are performing task that can be redundant, freeing them up for further service improvements

I know someone who went for one of these jobs. Process took more than 6 weeks. Shit to be signed by Doctors, Peace Commissioners or Garda…the fucking process was mental. Then hit with the shift cycles a few days before they were due to start. Told them to shove the job

And what about the guaranteed hours part?

I doubt it. Can you give me any example?

The pay scales here for HSE show you where the money is directed - the clerical/admin/management roles and not the medical professional roles

People who go and study made up stuff in the Institute of Public Administration are paid more and valued more than people who study medicine/nursing etc which are actual real subjects and professions

Im the ideas guy not solutions. Without any experience of the HSE there surely is a lot of low hanging fruit for improvements that will improve service and reduce cost

I paid my rates for the year today up here, would you have a guess at how much it is for a very average sized house in a regional town?

I’ve no idea.