The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Like the Tories, they govern on behalf of themselves.

Iā€™m beginning to think FG have had enough and are happy to let SF in to fail and do a reset.

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Who told you that? Paul Murphy?

Do your own research

Fuck sake. Keep that to yourself will you.

There will be no privately built developments next year with the way material costs are running and no Developer will start anything new.

If SF get it and put in place emergency legislation to deal with what is an emergency and build houses, using the current contractors that are building for private developers, then they could over the life time of their government deal with the shit show. If that happens they will run the country for the next 40 years and also see in a united Ireland.

What a time to be alive.


FFG are hiding behind ā€˜marketsā€™ ā€¦ Like you say, the party to recognizes human needs come before markets will but a serious amount of good will. At the rate things are going, FF will be obliterated.

Walk me through that emergency legislation? Why would it need to be emergency if developers are not building

Money? EU? Spending?

Thereā€™s no such thing as a magic money tree, unless it is in favour of businesses obviously. I mean we rattled that free money tree like fuck the last two years for bailouts. But now itā€™s mythical again.


FG have been using windfall corporation tax receipts to fund their out of control current spending for years. The very definition of magic money tree economics.

I saw the great man himself on Saturday evening. Heā€™s fairly shook looking.

He gave the state all he had

Including his missus.

And theyā€™ll find similar in many countries now.

Most of the money found itā€™s way into the pockets of ordinary people.

Magic money trees can happen when the ECB allow it. The Department of Finance were very resistant to Lockdown 2.0 originally because they didnā€™t know how Europe would react. Then the rest of Europe went back into various forms of them.

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FG need to finance their out of control current spending?

How many pay rises have FFG given themselves in the last 5/6/7 years? Another one this year I believeā€¦ And super ministry positions thrown in tooā€¦ Armed body guards and everything else on topā€¦

But thereā€™s no money tree out there.

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Bullshit. Leo needed the Aide de Camp. The country would have been fucked had he not got one.

Iā€™m not really concerned about that, I doubt itā€™s much. What Iā€™m concerned about is their out of control current spending on health and housing/emergency accommodation. The spending is out of control as a direct result of their policies and they are funding it from the magic money tree (windfall corporation tax receipts the fiscal advisory council and others have repeatedly warned not to use for current spending).