The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Ok guys. The fat trough eating tax cheat still has a fair point.

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They can in fairness.

There was report recently that suggested it would be but I would be dubious.

There was a big development that I saw recently that cost a lot more.

Once they start making tweaks, the cost goes up. Pearse Flats will take 15 years to do apparently.

Thankfully the Tanaiste is in agreement with our president.

President Higgins has the neoliberals hopping again I see.

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It would be great if we could get Varadkar into power and he could actually do something about the housing crisis.


glas will be along shortly to tell you dungeonmaster should be running the country

If only Fine Gael had been there they could averted this catastrophe.


Do you think we can make it happen?

What does MDH charge to rent out the houses he owns?

We need to make something happen anyway bro because this really is a crisis and it is only getting worse.


He does.

Hes still a fat trough guzzling cunt though and it informs everything he says or does.

Sure poor Mickee D is getting a free house off the state too, he is one of the homeless

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I used to see him way back when turning left onto flights to JFK and scurrying off in black cars when he wasnā€™t a Minister. Heā€™s had a nice life of creaming off the system he lambastes. Of course heā€™d be nifty enough and Iā€™m sure heā€™d have been well able to carve out a nice lifestyle in one of the paradises he waxes lyrical about, so he wouldnā€™t see that as hypocritical.

The Phoenix had a profile of him a few years ago, he was trying to run for President as far back as 1990. Anyone whose ambition it is to go into that do nothing role should be subject to far more scrutiny than him. Heā€™s never had a role of substance- his one Ministerial role was the fun job and he spent his time on the Labour front bench talking shite about neocons. Heā€™s Paul Murphy but heā€™s tolerable to the Irish Times.


Well said, mate. I always thought you possessed great empathy but itā€™s sadly lacking elsewhere. I can afford to own a modest house (thanks to the professional achievements of my life partner) but Iā€™m concerned about the future and whether my children could afford to reside in their own city. Not just that, I also feel for cunts I donā€™t even know and the impact on them both now and into the future. Having no security of tenure in a prolonged era of rising rents and house prices must be very stress inducing. Iā€™d go so far as to say the housing crisis has become a housing disaster and itā€™s our great, great failure.


Are you sure it was 1999?

I remember reading it and thinking the same but for some reason I think it was as far back as 1979 when he was a Senator.

Hillery stayed on unopposed in 1983 and then Higgins wanted to run in 1990 but the Labour party went with Mary Robinson and went with Adi Roche in 1997. He then wanted to run against Mary McAleese in 2004 but the Labour party said no as McAleese was unopposed.

He ran the next time out in 2011.

Quote from the Phoenix re 1990

  • Labour historian Prof John Horganā€™s biog of Noel Browne ā€“ Noel Browne, Passionate Outsider ā€“ published in 2000 indicated that some in the Labour Party believed Higginsā€™s first, quixotic tilt at the Park came in 1990. Horgan described how a group of left wing Labourites discussed nominating Browne as the partyā€™s presidential candidate that year and delegated Higgins to approach the socialist hero to see if he would go forward. As the weeks went by and nothing was heard from either Browne or Higgins, the comrades wondered at the long silence until one of them, Jack McQuillan, as Horgan wrote, ā€œimpishly suggested that it might be because Michael D himself would not be averse to the idea of becoming a presidential candidate (he was being spoken of as such at the time)ā€. Despite the bookā€™s imputation and showing a characteristic appetite for the platform, Higgins accepted an invite to launch Horganā€™s book where he denied Horganā€™s account of his alleged manoeuvrings.

Seven years later, following Mary Robinsonā€™s 1990 presidential triumph, Higgins was a more realistic and focused candidate. However, the then Labour leader Dick Springā€™s handler, Fergus Finlay, came up with the whizz idea of the non-political candidate Adi Roche who promptly sank like a stone in the 1997 election, helping to finish off Springā€™s party leadership.

Again, in 2004, Higginsā€™s unquenchable ambition rose like a seal out of water and he campaigned vigorously for the Labour nomination. He again faced Finlayā€™s opposition and the party handler, along with other senior figures, persuaded the then Labour head, Rabbitte, that given their putative alliance with Fine Gael ā€“ FG had decided not to run a candidate ā€“ a Labour presidential candidate would cause embarrassment to FG. And so Labour did not field a candidate.

I didnā€™t know about 1979 but wouldnā€™t be surprised. I remember reading about Gilmoreā€™s time in office and there just wasnā€™t a chance that Higgins ever wanted a serious political role with grind and real responsibility. Heā€™d have taken Foreign Affairs Iā€™m sure but Iā€™d say heā€™d have been pissed off with the amount of real work involved.

Michael D has all the forum blueshirts in a tizzy. Fascinating to watch

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He was their man and the establishment candidate in 2018.

Michael D promised heā€™d fuck off after one term. Heā€™s a charlatan and can fuck off back to Ennis or Limerick, wherever heā€™s from