The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

You’re confusing me with somebody else, pal.

the best and brightest always leave Eire, you only have to look at the calibre of poster here who have lived or are living abroad @Tassotti @flattythehurdler @anon7035031 not only do we go, we never come back, because we achieve the highest level in a proper country, proper roads, healthcare systems , taxation and laws…everything

Baldy Noonan, half drunk coming up with a scam trying to get us back, you couldn’t make t up

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I’m not sure which bit of that is the funniest.

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@flattythehurdler just bought 30 acres of bog near cappataggle and is transplanting his family to there from didsbury. Is he still successful in your estimation?

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I’m moving to a better class of swamp.

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you have coffee for your lunch?

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In a restaurant.

Which serves hot chicken rolls.

@Tassotti seems to think Applegreen motorway service stops are restaurants.

How much is a monkey?


aye, come home to this :smile:

Drunken Baldy Noonan trying to use the most famous Irish incentive of all time, the tax scam :joy: “sure it worked with apple, it will work with emigrants”

Seems fair. The ballsy guys coming back will raise the standard of the local workforce.

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Dry your eyes mate.

Jesus things are fine. There are poles and Balts who will do things as well as these fooks for half the cost.

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Thanks for keeping the country warm for us lads. Ye fucking mugs.


go getters and people who make things happen exactly what the stale Irish Economy needs, an injection of talent

The only injection you know about is the hot beef injection you got on the park bench

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Whenever you get sick of working in that Lidl over in Poland for a bag of turnips a week, I’ll get you sorted over here pal.


Ireland will have another massive recession in a couple of years, what’d be the point in a fella moving home from abroad, put down roots only to pack his bag and head abroad again when the politicians, banks, greed, corruption and cute hoorism sends the country down the toilet again

you’d want your head examined, I might have mentioned it before, but why would anyone used to living in a proper country with a proper standard of living and infrastructure move back to a filthy scum-hole like Oireland?

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But the lads think they are great craic.

There’s no place like home tossy