The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

This should give noonan a few sleepless nights

Enda has given this an almighty slap down in the Dáil, definitely looks like a MMOC solo run.


The Fianna Fáil leader repeatedly asked if the Taoiseach found the suggestion by Minister Mitchell O’Connor as “discriminatory and unfair.”

Mr Kenny frankly replied: “I would regard that as being unfair and discriminatory - of course."

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I called this slightly incorrectly. The Kaiser shows yet again why he is the Kaiser by delegating the slap down to the Taoiseach

Its time for Minister Noonan to roll out that red carpet again.


Mr Martin needs to start backtracking

RTE’s Sean Whelan may be a TFK lurker, Geoff.

Outstanding political instincts by the Kaiser.

Hats off to the man. He could be anything.

Amazing vision from the great statesman

Doonbeg is now the new Martha’s Vineyard


President Trump will unite the Limerick and Clare lads


He will build a wall from Ballina to Kilbehenny

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Who will he have managing the clare hurlers?
That is the big question today.

Vladimir [quote=“flattythehurdler, post:882, topic:20334, full:true”]
Who will he have managing the clare hurlers?
That is the big question today.


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That’ll quell the player unrest.
Sheamie callanan would be disappeared.
Austin gleeson could rest safe as vlad would know his hoty was a political appointment.

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Christ almighty , what a lame post

Should you not be out on strike, or did you cave in like the rest?

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