The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Severe poverty, would you please FRO.

I donate a few bob to these causes as well at Christmas so people might have it a bit easier, but learn what actual severe poverty is.

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Begging for food is as low as one can go, mate.

They have cooking facilities and say the food parcels are “extremely important” as it means they can get “decent little presents” for their children.

I don’t deny these people live in a form of poverty and it is a horrible way to live and the charities do great work on this, but go to the third world if you want to see severe poverty.

Go way, Tim… You’d have denied the famine and the poor craters ate-ing grass all around you.

Well, it wasn’t the people of Limerick in attendance anyway, that’s for sure.

would there be much of an overlap between the lads who queued in the old days in the budget Travel sale and lads queuing in this queue. Some people where money is tight will queue for something free or decent value as pays them to do it

It is not a UN food drop and nobody in that queue should be hungry living in a country that provides the welfare Ireland provides

Charity can fill a need like this at Christmas and give people a little more. We donated a pile of chocolate and selection boxes earlier today to the cappuchins and happy to do so.


You said it not me :joy:

Why not tip down with a questionnaire and ask them?

Did you get a chance to head over to the SVP to help yourself after your breakfast at that 5 star hotel?

Which 5 star? I frequent many.

They could use their smartphones and do it online rather than me going out of my way

Set up a pigs back or monkey something survey there kid and see how it goes

I’ll be dropping this lot down to brother Kevin next week along with 210 quid


New figures show that 1 family a day are being made homeless

‘Being made?’ Being made by whom?

Also are any of them living in 4-5 bedroom houses in Laois/Kildare that I could pick up for a song from the banks?

I’m not sure, pal. But one way or another 1 family a day in December with made homeless… I’ve now doubt some of these are acting up to get a house of their choice off the state, which I in no way support, but there are plenty of genuine families in that number suffering also.

Cunts trying to swindle the state, I read you loud and clear

Got a letter from Revenue advising me they are ‘pleased’ to confirm the deduction of the Property Tax from my account. Cunts rubbing it in. Another one of those taxes where I get nowt for the taxes I pay. Still, they’ll be seething I was a ton up on the Water Charges fiasco.


Noonan worked a nice ould miracle there on the news for his home town. Seventy families chucked out on the street by a vulture fund. Just like that.


This deluded arrogant parasite thinks a vulture is a good thing. Likened it to a rejuvenation of the eco system by a vulture picking the corpse of dead ravaged animals. He tried to stretch the metaphor a bit too much. People learning quicky through the hospital bed crisis, apollo house and Ireland inc selling its soul that Fine Gael only serve the corporations and landlords.

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